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Drako's Playground



I am Drako Swiftclaw, and as an openly gay babyfur, I not only know how cruel the world can be, but have experienced it first hand.

You see, since I am open about who I am and the things I do, I have been publically shunned on numerous occasions by people whom I once trusted.
Simply for being myself.

Sure, I am more open about what I like and don't like, and have not been known to shy away from that openness even when it came to my lifestyle and sexuality. Therefore, I have been outcast by quite a few people for even something as simple as being a gay "cat."

Therefore, I started my mission:
To create a safe space where people just like me can freely express themselves.

That is where Drako's Playground comes in.
It is one of two websites that I created as a means to provide that safe haven for who live alternative lifestyles, like myself.

Here, it is against the rules to be disrespectful towards another user, regardless of how they live thier lives or what they decide they would like to share.

However, the playground is an all ages site, so while I want you all to be free to express yourselves, please keep it PG-13.
If you are of age, and really wish to get kinky and dirty, then I encourage you to join us on Drako's Den.

I want to keep Drako's Playground a "drama free" zone:
No bashing on others for being themselves.

I encourage you all to post and share anything you desire, as long as it stays PG-13

For those of you browsing around, here's a tip:
If the preview/thumbnail seems to show something you are not into, then leave it be and don't click it!

Thank you,
Drako Swiftclaw
Founder of Drako's Playground

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