love is a perky elf dancing a merry little jig and then suddenly he turns on you with a miniature machine gun. --Matt Groening
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it's scary to think about the lives people lived in before meeting you....and i dont mean that in a selfish way.  i mean you get to know someone pretty well (or at least that's wat you think) and then you find out something you didnt know.  It's kinda repulsing.  well in my case it is.  i cant even look the person in the eye anymore.  i just keep thinking, that was you?....that was YOU???  i wouldnt have realized........  well i guess u just have to be in my situation to get what i mean.  so the whole day today i just couldnt get that out of my mind.  it has really been bothering me!! 

so i went to pick up my aunt at the greyhound station today and when she got out of the bus, this homeless guy kept hovering over her backpack she had set yea...the end.  no point to my story.  i just wanted to tell someone.  u kno, sometimes u just gotta tell ppl stuff even tho u dont really want them to know so u can get it out of ur system.  oki yea..didnt make any sense there but that's alrite. can u give me the web addy again cuz i dont remember the funky combo of letter after and before the sn.
nothing much is going on in my life other them crap SATs but i think ive heard enough about that to last me a lifetime so i wont talk about it anymore.  Oh...yea and instead of going to
hAAAvAAAd for the summer program i think im gonna go to berkeley becuz it's WAAAAy to caro for us ($10,000 too caro )  so come on up and visit me over the summer!!!  i'll take u around campus like im a veteran of the place.  ah, college life so close .  i can smell the sweet smell of independence already!!  hahah  :D
that's a wrap people!

aiya...jr year is a pain in the ass..............shittt....too much crap....all i have been doing over the long weekend is STUDY for freaking SAT!!!  (with exception of saturday nite  ;)  )  the life of jennifer...born and raised to study her butt off but it never pays off!!!!  stay away from mee...imma about to explode...AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!  SHIIIT!!!!  %$#@! **@#*@#%$*! #^% %$$& #$*&#$*^# $&^ @#$&*@ $ &*^@#*&^# $&*^#$................grrrr.....................
"everybody knos that yeah i'm kinda shy
and im not the kinda gril who could ever approadh a guy
but i wanna find a way to get you to notice me
i got a four wheel drive, 5' 5" (delete 5'5"...insert "giant-ess"), brown eyes,
then maybe you can handle these
because i'm free"

HEYA!!!  prom was FuN!!! thanks bryan!!  (i still owe u $20!!!)  i hope everyone else enjoyed their night!!  nicoel and i didnt sleep until 5AM and we woke up at around 10AM....5 hrs of sleep (compared with my usual 10 hours daily!  =/  ) ...holy shomoly...this morning was headache MADNESS!! i thought i had a non-drinking-related hang-over or something was crazy!!!!  i just wanted to RARR at everyone...the leave-me-alone RARR...and everytime i looked at the computer screen....i was sooooo dizzy.  the only way im doing this now without getting quesy is all wired on that stuff! 
yeesh!  i couldnt even get my lazy(dizzy) butt to do homework today......but i think it'll be oki cuz we have testing tomorrow with only 3 periods.
oh and i got the pics from my camera uploaded onto  cli
ck here

hi everyone!  have a good time at prom tomorrow and be safe!

awww....everyone's in such a happy mood this week!!  **ahem**annie**ahem**  we have made a decision.  we are taking a chartered bus to prom!  hahah the excitement! it's about $18 per person but if ur going with us...bring $20 in case we have to give the driver tip and watnot. 
the wind was CRAZY at about 7 today...we had mini tornados on our street! 
OMG!!  everyone has to go to DANCETRA this year (june 6, 7)  it's gonna be soo funny!! u gg see the company members imitate enrique inglesias (hint...doritos commercial) and grace moonwalk!  it's gonna be good!!  GOOO!!!
im hungry...time to eat....chao!

we might be goin in a bus.. haahahaaa...LOL! soo funny!  SAT's coming in about 3 dead...not ready at all...  and to make things even worse...i signed up really late and now we (lisa, terry and i)  have to go to montebello to take the test.  dAMN!  oh watever...i dont care as long as i do well.  this weekend is gonna be hectic with prom and all but I CAN DO IT! im gonna be the little engine that could.  miller's making us write so many essays now...he's a cool teacher and all but essay writing are not my forte!  maybe it's time for me to just quit now...nicole's already got senioritos...and she's not even a senior yet!  that's gonna be me next year...OWAIT...i have 2 or 3 AP classes next year!  URG....wat am i gettin myself into.  welps kiddos, i gotta get going on my hw so i'll chat with yall laters!!

i have made a promise to myself.  dont stress out as much, smile more, and have fun! SMILING AND LAUGHING=JQ (that's wat senora calls me now!!)   i think everyone should do the finding alot of tense ppl these a days....  tense people=not happy people around them.  so yes everyone follow my lead and DO IT!!!!  im exigir-ing (demanding *in spanish*) you!   hahah my word of the just using it everywhere!  also...ppl please back me up and say that lizzy maguire is gross...cuz SOMEONE doesnt think so......he/she thinks she's "hot" which is not a word you can use with her!!!
PROM COMING UP!!! im excited yet bummed out about it....everyone's getting all tense about that too!!!  CHILL!!  it'll be fun!! just relax a
nd FLOW !  oYEA! hehehe **annie** =)  too bad not everyone's together with someone...i feel soo bad for lisa's date....hahah he's gonna be the only guy!  that's okie tho cuz he be our PIMP!  hahahaaa!  lucky guy!! he's gonna be taking ....let's see 12 girls to prom!! hahaa! welps...i gg now but i'll leave you with a little singing .... " it feels like sumthins heatin up can i leave wit you...I dont know what im thinking bout really leavin wit you..."  ~JT  ladies goodnite....gentlemen good morning.

HAPYY FIRST OF MAY EVERYONE!!!!!  this month's gonna be filled with fun STUDYING!!!! yay!!! SATs and finals... fun.  oh yea and prom is coming up!  may there !  good news: lan resigned!!! yesss!!! 2 more weeks with her, that's it!  ttyl!

i am a licensed driver now!!! WOOTWOOT!!!!!  oh yea babie!!!!  on wednesday i went to DMV early and got to take my test and get back to school within 1 hour or so!  excitingness!!  (oh's the "-ness"es again....! haha yea..i dont think anyone got that joke but that's all cool cuz im in a good mood.  no one can bring me down now!!  i felt pretty good/confident after math and chem quiz so i think i deserve a time for my good mood to SHINE!!!!  hehee!!  :)  oh yea and good job to everyone who participated  in the speech showcase, which was really REALLy good!!!!  SJ u were AMAZING!!!!  and i LOVED the little shop of horrors one (total eclipse of the sun!) and julia's complaining speech.  anyways..yup today's chinese school wasnt all that bad either cuz we got chinese strawberry cake for some little boy's bday (yummmmm!!) now im at home watching tv.  i think im going to be going out with my brother tonight.  we're playing broom hockey or something with his friends...i dunno wat the heck he was talking about but we'll see!  im going to go watch more tv now so...HASTA la vista baby!

lan is a weird teacher.... i hate her class...i hope she doesnt screw up my summer school ap. (which she states that STILL has not finished iwth yet...i bet she didnt even start!  :[ )

HAPPY EASTER!  hope everyone got lots of food to eat today and watever ur usual ritual for this day is!  as for me i went to church were i saw my church-lover!!  ;)  and he looked good!  then went driving with my brother who is a WAY better driving teacher than my dad every was!  but of couse it was illegal driving and there were so many policemen on Huntington today...but then again SM cops have nothing better to do.  we went to quicky and i got a mango snow boba
....nasty stuff ppl! dont get it there at least.  i dont know about other places but that place was pretty disgusting and the mini bobas remind me of fish eggs on top of sushi!  not something i like.  anyways im going to desiree's house to eat tonight so i'll talk to ya'll later!  bai!

it's holy thursday today and easter's coming up this sunday.  ERGH!  my whole right side of my mouth hurts....why?  becuz i bit my tongue in the same place about
500 gazillion times and i have a canker sore in the back of my mouth!!! it's the STRESS!!!  haha yea rite.  anyways.  haha i just remembered sam and terry's story about LAN.  HAHAHA so funny!  they said that she was walking down the stairs and she was going to flilck her hair over her shoulder with a head flick but she did it so violently that she looked like she was rocking on her toes or something! hahaha but i guess it something u had to see re-enacted by sam and terry!  funny funny lady...but very very annoying too.  oh and annie i didn't know u like to "suck the balls" in pool!  hahah  yeayea!? kk bai!

Today was a pretty good day...i guess...just a little depressing.  u kno sometimes i wish i could move to another school and just be known as silent jam.  when u make friends with ppl there's always strings attached.  some ppl think it would be a good idea to go on a road trip after senior year...but i think we would all be bitching at each other (or at least i would be cuz im so picky about things) by the end of the trip.  unless i get to go in kim's car! hahaha  *ahem, kim**  so yeups...that's just the depressed me talking so maybe u guys still wanna go...we'll see.  we dont wanna have another summer of 2002 again would we???  yeup i didnt think so.
im watching MTV rite now with a special on bulimic ppl and it's scary!  but i can kind of relate to them cuz im so self conscious....but still DONT BE ANOREXIC...   yea that's my lil speeeeel for today.  bai!

today was cold!  and we made ice cream in chem too...that's just crazy!  my chem teacher was wearing a short sleeve t-shirt as the wind started blowing lik
e mad and she was handling ice!  i think she's crazy...but then again i've always thought that about her. (she says that she played with too much mercury when she was young.  yes...)  now im gonna bitch about lan cuz i dont like her.  she doesnt teach.  a monkey could seriously talk and teach better than her.  i dont know if the school district doesnt fire her i think i have to talk to my counselor.  and i heard that the final was like CRAZY(my word of the day).  crazy hard, weird...i dont know...just CRAZY!  i hate that class...i've been reading sparknotes just so i can get an analysis of The Great Gatsby becuz she's no help in that.  there was not teaching this whole quarter.  if school administration see this, please do something about it.  we talk about irrelevant topics....  half the time in that class i spend playing cards! becuz she always gives us "free time"  stating that she "ran out of class time" to teach the "lecture."  PUHLEEZ...we have about 30 minutes of class time left, not enough class time to teach ur lecture...which by the way never has any  relevance to what we are learning  and doesn't even teach me anything about...ANYTHING????  i don't know if this is the truth but i've heard around campus that brancaccio might not be coming back next year....whether or not this is true...i think that firing lan is a much smarter idea.  although her class was easy, i did learn with brancaccio.  we actually had meaningful discussions about books.  in lan ... we discuss "when you see a white girl with a black guy do you think the girl is a slut?"  which does not have anything to do with The Great Gatsby.  or at least she could have tied it into the book by say..."well i ask this question because in the book.....blahblah"  in my opinion, i think she used that question sheet (for those who don't have her it was an anonymous question sheet we had to answer with questions like the one about the slut) for her own talk about her boyfriend and seem "cool."  ERGH...sheesh!!!!!!!  enough ranting. i have to study for her CRAZY test tomorrow!