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*Online Journal*
Some names are left out for privacy.

Sunday, November 3 2002
I had one crazy night. Me and Christa snuck out and went off with Chris and his friends. We were all drinking and me and Christa were getting really tipsy. I don't think I was drunk but Chris kept saying I was cuz I was tripping but at least I could still focus. It was crazy. We drove to this one little square area by this pond where Cedar Hill and Grand Prairie meet. It was scary and freaking cold and rainy. Since there were only two girls and like five guys, I chose one and Christa got Chris of course and the others left to go steal road signs or something. Christa and Chris went into the explorer and did whatever for like an hour. Me and Marcus were just talking and we hit it off pretty good. He's so cute and I guess what made me chose him is that he was the only one not drinking his ass off and smoking. Then when they were finally finished we went into the car. At first we were just talking and then we started making out. That was great. And we took our pants off cuz they were wet. We had a fun time but we didn't do it cuz I didn't want too cuz I only knew him for like 2 hours but he was really sweet and I really really really wanted too but I stopped myself like a good girl so instead we did other stuff. But it was annoying cuz all their friend's came back and they kept bothering us so we had to lock the door. Then one of them got on top of the roof and started shaking it. We were in there for like 2 and a half hours but I could have gone all night if they weren't bothering us. :P So then we finally let the others in and we all tried to go to sleep. Then when I was finally asleep with Marcus, Chris with his fat ass started snoring. I swear it sounded like a freaking animal dying. I felt sorry for Christa cuz she had to sleep with him on her. Then we couldn't go to sleep so we messed around some more. But then the guys were like "let's play truth or dare, I dare you to kiss her." At first I was like no way but then I really didn't care but I don't think Christa would have gone for that. But it was hilarious how those guys were just staring, waiting. It tripped me out. So we didn't kiss and that was the end of that and we went on about our business. Then we went to whataburger and got some taquitos. Me and Christa didn't get home till 7 a.m. Man that was wild. I'm gonna sleep good tonight since I only got like 3 hours of sleep.

Friday, November 1 2002
Yesterday I went trick or treating with Brandi up in High Pointe. That was really fun and I got a lot of candy. We went as gangstas and I had my little blinky earring on and a bandaid on my cheek and little tear drops on my face. It was really cute. Today I drove to the Duncanville football game with Heather. It was kinda scary cuz I've never driven that far without one of my parents. But since it was really cold and rainy, me and Lauren drove home like in the 3rd quarter. We were losing anyway like 27 to 0. But the thing was we didn't know how to get home. I kept driving back and forth and then I got onto the freeway for the first time by myself and it was raining and it was dark. It was really scary and Lauren kept telling me to turn left when she really meant right and it was just all really confusing. But thank goodness we got off at the right exit or we would have ended up in Abilene. LOL. Then when I was taking Lauren home we were going to stop to get one of those reflective road barrier thingies but we couldn't cuz there were cars behind us. So when I dropped Lauren off, and after I drove around and got lost again but then found my way again, I pulled over and tried to take one of the barrier things. It was bigger then I thought it was and I popped the trunk but it wouldn't fit cuz of the spare tire! =( So I had to give up and I just hurled it off to the side, there was another car coming anyway and I didn't want them to see me. The only thing I got out of that was some muddy shoes and dirt on my pants. But it was really fun, I'm gonna start collecting road signs if I can get them in the car. I've also decided to start collecting restaurant menus. Tomorrow me and Christa are gonna go to a cowbell which is where you ride bulls, and then to a party with Chris. I hope it's gonna be fun and we don't get into too much trouble.

Sunday, October 27 2002
Yesterday I went to a halloween party with Christa but it was really lame. We were practically the oldest kids up there. I guess it was fun but the only thing that made it fun was the band that was playing up there. At the party, they also had this haunted house thing which was extremely lame but I guess it was a good effort. I just got back from the movies with Brandi, R.J., and Adrian. We saw The Ring and that was a really good movie. It scared the shit out of me. Then afterwards we went to McDonald's and stayed up there just talking and playing on the playground for like two hours then we had to leave cuz they were closing. I was acting really retarded but it was so much fun. Earlier today, I went to see that play up at the school, "One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest", which was really good. I got to drive up there with Christa by myself. So I guess you can say I had a fun weekend, and to make things better we don't have school tomorrow!!! YAY!

Tuesday, October 22 2002
Wow, I haven't written in a while. A lot has happened but I can't remember everything so I'll just tell you what I remember. My brother left for San Antonio yesterday. He's gonna be in training for two weeks then he's gonna come back home and wait for them to station him. I actually cried, but not in front of him of course, because I was scared that he might die. Oh well, it's all in the hands of fate. I saw Davaughn in the hall a while back and I didn't even know it was him. God, he is so damn fine! Well I gave him my cell number and he's called me like 10 times. Isn't that cute? I know, I'm pathetic. On Saturday I'm going to a halloween party and I'm gonna be a cat, I hope. I just gotta get some cat like stuff. Today the volleyball team played Burleson. We did alright I guess, but not good enough to win although varsity did which secured their 2nd place in district which means they'll be going to regionals or whatever. Oh yeah, I also got to drive the firebird up to the school by myself, can you believe it? When my dad told me I could, I didn't believe what I was hearing cuz my mom would never ever let me do that cuz she's stingy. Oh well that's my news for the day.

Sunday, October 13 2002
Friday night we won our game against DeSoto!! I'm so happy and I got to play front row! I didn't do too bad but I didn't do excellent either but at least I got some kills (even though one was hideous!) lol. But at least I got it in. I can't wait till soccer season, I miss all my soccer pals and I wanna see how much I've improved since last year (which I know is a lot). God I can't wait, it's gonna be so much fun. Yesterday I went over Christine's house to work on some stuff for school then we were planning to go to Country Day on the Hill afterwards but it rained! Then when it stopped like at 10:00 she begged her parents if we could still go. They finally agreed but when we got there and they dropped us off no one was there except police officers. =( Well all we did was bought some snapper things that you pop on the ground and some soda. I guess that was fun but then it started getting cold and the wind was picking up. And what makes it even worse is that was my first time going to Country Day on the Hill. =( Oh well, I had fun anyway.

Tuesday, October 8 2002
Yesterday I went to the State Fair with Brandi. That was pretty fun. And every since I got Brandi and Christa to get a long at the football game they are starting to talk more again all because of my magic, lol. By next week I bet they'll be friends again. I knew this whole enemy hatred thing between them wasn't going to last long. Today the volleyball team played against Duncanville. We lost. And to make matters worse I only played a total of 2 minutes which I screwed up. That really pissed me off even though I didn't show it. What did I ever do wrong? I mean when I was warming up I was feeling pretty good and I was getting digs left and right and I was pumped. I feel so useless. I have a lot on my mind right now, I feel like I could just spill it out for hours but instead I'll just keep it inside cuz I'm not really one for talking about how I feel. Don't you just hate it when you're trying to talk to someone and you could be spilling your heart out and they're not even paying attention or understand a thing??? Yeah well that tends to happen to me often. I hate it when people don't listen, it makes me feel pathetic, worthless, unimportant, so on so I just choose to keep it to myself. Oh well, on a happier note my little sister from Permenter gave me a cute little tiger stuffed animal and some candy, that cheered me up some.

Saturday, October 5 2002
Yesterday I went to the homecoming football game and of course we lost but I had a really fun time. I had to fight Ty for one of those football things the cheerleaders were throwing, lol. I also got to hang out with a friend of mine that I haven't gotten to hang out with in a long time, it was really fun. I miss hanging out with her, she's so cool even though she kept trying to hit my chest but that's another story. I was acting retarded and I didn't care and me and my friends were doing these stupid cheers. After the game we were supposed to go to a party but word got out about it and the police were gonna shut it down so we didn't go. Oh yeah, Christa and Brandi got these hot twin guys numbers for me and Christine cuz we were to shy to do it ourselves. I'm so glad my friends were there to do my dirty work for me. And tonight I'm going to Christine's birthday shindig thingy and we're gonna call those guys. I think one of them had a girlfriend and the other was already talking to some girl but I'll just have to steal them from those ugly freshmen girls cuz they don't have shit on me, nawmeeaaan!!! I'm gonna make those girls cry cuz I'm a homewrecker like dat! LOL.

Thursday, October 3 2002
Today I stayed home from school cuz I'm sick. =( Last night _____ was sending me text messages on my cell. He's so stupid, but in a good way. Obviously he still like me but I still don't like him and he asked me if I was going to homecoming. I wanna go but I need money and something to wear. Oh well, if I don't go I'm sure I can find other stuff to do on a Saturday night. Friday and Monday we don't go to school, yay!!! So this will be like a 5 day weekend for me since I didn't go today. But tomorrow I have to go to volleyball practice at 6:45 in the morning and I'll have practice on Monday too. =( I hope I can actually get to go to the fair this year. I can't believe it's October already, woohoo!!! My brother should be leaving this month. Although I hate to admit it, I'm gonna miss him. He's been so nice to me now that he's older. I'm sure he's been waiting for this moment to get away from mom since he was 13. I hope he does ok in the Air Force. Lately I've been off in la la land a lot. I think it's cuz I'm lonely or depressed or some sort of combonation of both. Oh well, I always do this, one week I'm extremely happy and the next I feel like shit. I guess this is my shit week then, lucky me. Tomorrow I'm gonna go to the homecoming game and then afterwards do whatever pops up in the spur of the moment.

Sunday, Semptember 22 2002
Yesterday we had a volleyball tournament in Allen. We did alright I guess, we ended up getting 1st place in the bronze division. Brandi is gonna be moving but I'm not quite sure when. I'm really gonna miss her but I'm sure Christa will be happy to get her out of the way. So far school has been a lot easier then I expected, at least for now. As for Derek, I'm not sure if I wanna pursue a relationship with him. I don't think I'm ready to be in a relationship right now cuz I have a lot of other things on my mind.

Sunday, Semptember 15 2002
Yesterday I went to see Swimfan with Christine. It was pretty good and we had fun. That girl was one crazy bitch. I decided to go to the movies with her instead of do something with Derek cuz we already were planning this for a few days so I wasn't gonna ditch my friend for a guy, even though I wanted too lol. I'm such a good friend. Then after the movie I snuck out to _______'s house and it was a total disappointment. I thought there was gonna be some hot guys there and a lot of people like ___ said but it turned out that there were only two guys, who left a few minutes after I came, and then a whole bunch of 12 year olds who were friends of ___ little sister. And there were no drinks left cuz they hogged it all and then I had to walk home by myself in the middle of the night and I've had a really bad experience of walking in the dark but at least I was with some other people then. It's a really long story but I won't bore you with it. ~_^ Then I hopped over the fence and came home. That was a total waste of two hours. Oh and by the way, Christa and Brandi are no longer friends which means it sucks to be me cuz I have to make them feel like I'm not choosing one above the other. Plus if one of them are at my house and the other comes over, which seems to happen a LOT, they're gonna be all weird even though they said they would try not to but I know.

Saturday, Semptember 13 2002
We played against Duncanville and lost. =( But at least we put up a good fight cuz we came back from a 9-1 game. And guess who called me last night!!! Derek! I couldn't believe he actually called me but I couldn't talk too long cuz I was in the car and I already went over my minutes. My bill is like over $100 and my mom doesn't know yet. =/ I'm gonna call him today and hopefully we'll do something tonight. (and I don't mean something freaky by the way.) ^_~ We can save that for later nawmeeeaaan!!!!! Lol, just kidding.

Thursday, Semptember 12 2002
I just got back from the football game and we actually won!!! Yay, the score was like 32-6 I think, that means the other team must really suck cuz we never win. I went with Christa and Brandi and of course they were at it again but not verbally, but I could just feel the tension. _______ is really getting on my nerves. She is soo selfish and she tries to makes herself out to be something she totally is not and the only people that notice is me and ______ cuz we're the only ones that really know her. And then she says the stupidest things that I know for a fact aren't true and the only reasons she says them is so she can look good. And she told me that she did something that I know she did not, I could see right through her and I knew she was lying but whatever, she can keep acting like a fool for all I care cuz it's just gonna get her in a position she's not gonna like. But I seriously think she's just trying to get attention, and the only reason she says she does stuff is so she can catch up with me and ______. Maybe I shouldn't have told her what I did, cuz I think she feels like she's has to do it so we're even. But it's really getting on my nerves cuz she wouldn't do that just on her own.

Wednesday, Semptember 11 2002
Yesterday we had a game against South Hills. We did pretty good and all of our teams won. Saturday we had the Cedar Hill Tournament and we got 4th place I think. Not too bad but not good either. So far our record is 8-2. Today I gave my number to this really cute guy in my fourth period. I was wondering when he would ask cuz we're always flirting. I hope he'll ask me out, if not then oh well. Lately I've been really distant from some of my closest friends, I don't know why. I haven't been in the greatest mood lately.

Wednesday, Semptember 4 2002
Yesterday we played South Oak Cliff and McKinney. We totally sucked against McKinney, but we beat S. Oak Cliff of course cuz they aren't that good. ______ and _______ came over today and at first it was kinda awkward but then they finally started talking but I think they only did it to make me happy. Yesterday _______'s mom left me a message on my voicemail and it really pissed me off. It was something to the affect of, "How could you let ______ come in between yall. Yall used to be such good friends. Blah Blah... I know this is none of my business..." OMG, what kind of person do they think I am? I mean we're not in fourth grade anymore, I can have more then one friend and I'm not gonna ditch my best friend who I've known since kindergarten, just because I become closer to another friend. How could they even think that I would do that. They are to dramatic.

Sunday, Semptember 1 2002
Yesterday we went to the Rockwall Tournament and won the silver consolation bracket or something like that. It was very disappointing, for me at least. We played like shit until the end when we were playing crap teams. Oh well, enough said about that. Last night _______ called me and wanted me to hang out but I was too tired and I needed to take a shower so I said tomorrow and that's when _______ went all crazy and was like "you've changed lately, you never wanna hang out, it's not healthy for you, and you shouldn't be doing all that, bitch, bitch, whine, whine, etc." God I hate it when people try to tell you how you feel, or how your supposed to feel, and what you should do and what you shouldn't. I know how I feel, I'll do whatever the hell I want, don't try and tell me what to do. And since when did _______ become preacher child all of a sudden and have the right to tell me what's right and what's wrong and then expect me to take it seriously? _______ has really been getting on my nerves lately as well as some other people, they need to get off my back.

June 16 - August 29

Now Playing Foo Fighters- My Hero

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