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Shandy's Profile

Hey, you've reached Shandy's profile..nothing extravegant, just a few random pictures. Well heres me in a nutshell. Well not really, this is me in a nutshell..."Help me! I'm in a nutshell!" Okay poor XD

Madyson purse :P

Well heres me at Coombs market beside a weird painted bag that happened to look almost identical to my puppy Madyson. We stopped into the market after a nice weekend of body boarding up at Long Beach for my birthday.

Grad Banquet 02'

Here's a picture of me, my mom and dad at my graduation banquet.

MIss Congeniality

Yep, that's me in the "gear", my other side.... :P I'm wearing that tiara so much recently i swear it's going to mold into my head. Here's me with the lovely Ladysmith Princess at one of the pageants we attended. Fun fun...