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"Blue-Eyed Boy Meets a Brown-Eyed Girl"



Our Story

By Jason


During the spring of 1999, we met on a bus on the way to Allentown, PA for a summer internship interview with Lucent Technologies.  At the time, Jen was car-sick and was trying to sleep off her nausea, but we managed to chat during the ride.  We bonded during our stay because we were the only two sophomores on the trip, but lost touch after we got back to Penn State.

 Little did we know, we were both offered the internship and on the first day of work in May, found out our desks were nearly side-by-side.  At the time, we were each dating other people, but over three months became good friends and kept each other entertained in our little intern room.

 During our junior year in at Penn State, we met up a few times for lunch but not much more than that.  It wasn’t until we both broke-off our other relationships that we started to see each other a lot more (right about the time the Flyers beat the Penguins in their famous 5-overtime playoff win).  Unfortunately, I left almost immediately for Detroit, MI for another summer internship.  We stayed close throughout the summer and started dating seriously just before our senior year.

 After an amazing final year at Penn State, we made a tough choice.  We would travel in Europe for 2 months, but then I would move to Chicago and Jen to Boston right after we got home from our trip. 

Our travels abroad were nearly perfect, but our first months away from each other in the states were terrible.  After 6 months, the distance was too much.  I flew to Boston, packed Jen’s car and we drove the 985 miles back to Chicago in one day…The rest is history.  We’ve been in Chicago for over 2 years and have a great apartment in Wrigleyville.  The Chicago Cubs work right next door. 

 During the spring, we’re moving back to Philadelphia to begin another chapter in the already crazy book we’re writing.  If our distance apart didn’t break us apart, we don’t think anything will!

 Our guy Dave Matthews sings the story:

“Where are you going?
With the long face pulling down
Don’t hide away like the ocean
That you can’t see 
But you can smell 
And the sound of waves crash down…
Are you looking for answers to questions under the stars
If along the way, you are growing weary
You can rest with me until a brighter day, and you’re ok
...It’s where you are is where I belong
I do know, where you go
Is where I wanna be…”