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Italian Colors!

Ok Kids! Here’s the plan! On our numerous adventures in our… “Lovable”, for lack of a better word…yeah, lovable Italian class we have experienced a many wonders! But we have yet to master the art of Colors! The true element that brings the world to another level! So enter, for you are our (That is Kristyn and myselve’s) pupils for this brief period and enlightenment will engulf you with two cultures combined!



The instructions are easy enough for anyone to understand! Below you will find a chart that has different colors listed on them, and below the color listed is a box. Further down there are random pictures that posses certain colors! If you will notice you can click on the items and drag them around! Exciting, I know… what I’m getting at is that your task is to drag the pictures into the correct box! Once you have completed that raise your hand and have the teacher, Kristyn or myself look over your work and assist you in correcting your mistakes, that is if you make any! So go ahead and enjoy our little game!

Answer Key
