Hippogriff - This is a large animal that has a body that is half eagle, half horse. It comes in many different colors. Hippogriffs can also fly. They are very proud animals that attack when insulted. To touch or fly a Hippogriff you must bow to it. If it bows back then you can touch it. If not then you must keep a distance from it incase it attacks you. Hippogriffs are beautiful and loyal creatures. 
Dragons - Dragons are dangerous and untameable. There are many breeds of dragons from different countries. Dragons skin is as solid as metal. They have lots of eggs at a time and they are very protective of them. Dragons can only be weakened by using the Conjunctivitus curse on a dragons eye. Dragon heart strings are extremely magical and so are their blood.
Blast Ended Skrewts -   Blast ended skrewts are carnivores. They eat each other. Lots are born at a time. They are born small and their bodies are transparent. As they grow they develop a grey, hard shell. They can grow up to ten feet long and once they have developed their shell their weakness is their unprotected stomachs. Their tails curl up like scorpions and you cannot see any eyes. Males have stingers on their heads that can cause a lot of pain. Females have blood suckers on their chests. They give off a strong odour and they are crosses of manticores and fire crabs. They eat dragon liver and salamander eggs. They grow rapidly.  
Centaurs - These are have the body of a horse, and where the horses head would be is the top half of a human. They look to the stars for guidance and can predict the future from them. They prefer to be isolated from others that aren't centaurs. They run very fast.
Unicorns - Unicorns are pure white horse-like creatures that have one gold horn on their head. Unicorn hairs are used in wands. Unicorns don't trust boys and prefer the touch of women. They like sweet food. Unicorn blood is silver and anything can survive when the blood is drank. Once drank, the blood curses the person's life. Uncirons are fast and very powerful. Some are very aggressive and use their horns dangerously, others are nervous and run at the slightest movement. Babies are gold and have no horns. They trust boys at this stage. At seven years old unicorns are fully grown.
Flobber Worms - Large worms that eat shredded cabbage. Will die if fed too much and they will live better when left alone to find food for themselves.
Gnomes - Gnomes can talk and live underground in peoples gardens. They look like potatoes and are very dim. They are also curious and love to play. They like to annoy cats, etc. When de-gnoming a garden you must spin the gnomes around and through them out of the garden as far as possible so they have a little chance of coming back.
Cornish Pixies - This is one creature you don't want to run in to. They can speak and move very, very fast. They glow a lightning blue colour and are destructive, mischievious pests that will destroy your possessions and try to cause as much havoc as humanly possible.
Merpeople - These are half man, half fish and they live in caves in sea beds, the bottom of lakes, rivers, etc. They have grey skin, silver tails and long, wild, dark green hair. They like to keep grindylows as pets. They live in civil comunities. They are scared of magic. Merpeople have names like Murcus. Underwater they speak English but above water they talk as if they were shrilly screaming. This language is called mermish and wizards can learn it. 
Grinylows - Grindylows are also known as water demons. They are about the size of a 5 years old human and they have webbed feet and horns. They lurk in weeds in water and attack anything they think won't have a good chance of fighting back. They will only leave you alone if you use the right spell against them.
Niffler - This pig-like creature has a long snout but is the size of a piglet. it's feet are flat like small spades. They are attracted to anything shiny. They are popular with people searching for gold. If they find gold they will return the gold to the person that set them free. Extremely useful, loyal and good pets.
Boggart - It is not known what the boggart looks like. They prefer to live in warm and dark enclosures. When exposed to a human they will turn into that human's worst fear. You must perfrom the correct spell and think of a funny thought to defeat the boggart.
Pheonix - The Pheonix can live on and on forever. It is a red, orange and gold bird that is warm and about the size of a swan. Pheonix feathers are magical and are used in wands. When a Pheonix is old it looks rather unatractive. it starts to loose it's feathers and then it dies. When the Pheonix dies it catches fire, and then from it's ashes it is reborn again. When it's master (or someone who is loyal to it's master) is wounded, the Pheonix will cry on the wound which will magically heal it. It is attracted to loyalty for it's master.  
Werewolf - The werewolf is half man, half monster. Anyone can become a werewolf, you just need another werewolf to bite you. Wereworlves only transform from human to wolf when it is a full moon. There is no cure for this but there has been a recent discovery called Wolfbane. This is a potion that is hard to make and it will make the human be able to control themselves while they are a wolf. Many people believe people that are werewolves are horrible, mean and dangerous but unless they are influenced by the full moon they act completely normally.
Basilisk - The basilisk is the most dangerous monster listed in this book. The basilisk is a giant snake, the size of an oak tree, and is green. It's yellow eyes can instantly kill anyone who makes direct eye contact with it, but when you look at it through a ghost, mirror, glass, etc. it will just petrify you (makes you unable to move, speak or think). Only parseltongues (people who can speak to snakes) can control the basilisk. In the muggle world the basilisk is a lizard. The cry of a rooster will kill a basilisk. Otherwise, a basilisk will live on for hundreds of years.
House Elves - House elves have very strong magic but use it rarely. They are very dangerous when they are not owned if they use their magic for evil. However these cases don't reguarly occur as it is in the house elfs nature to be loyal. House elves serve humans, like slaves. They usually serve rich families, despite the fact that they don't get paid. House elves can only get freed if their master hands them a piece of clothing. Then they are free and do not have to do anything for their master anymore. House elves are so loyal that whenever they show any sign of unloyalty they feel very guilty and usually punish themselves (painfully). House elves can get drunk for drinking butter beer. Many house elves work here in Hogwarts, mostly down in the kitchens. They also clean and put out fires, etc. . You have probably never noticed them around but that is a good sign of a house elf.
Red Cap - They are nasty goblin-like creatures that lurk where there has been blood-shed waiting to bludgeon those who are lost.
Kappa - A creepy water dweller that looks like a monkey with webbed hands and feet. They wait to starngle wadders in ponds.
Hinkypunk - Wispy creatures that are very dangerous even though they cause no physical harm to you themselves. They pretend to be lanterns and lure travellers in to bogs, where they drown.
Grim - This is a death omen. It is a huge, shaggy, black dog that people who will die soon see.
Trolls - Trolls are 9 to 13 ft tall. Their skin is usually grey or green. They are bald, they have legs as thick as tree trunks and an incredibly horrible smell coming off them. When they meet each other they compare the sizes of their clubs (which they always carry round with them) to see who has the biggest (which would be the most impressive). Trolls are very idiotic and stupid. They don't feel pain easily, they are easily tricked and easily confused. Trolls are most commonly seen in the wild or can be captured and used as bodyguards. 
Sphinx - A shpinx has almond-shaped eyes, a head of a woman and body of a lion (you've probably seen the Egyptian structures of the sphinx). They are quizzitive by nature. If you want to pass them then they will give you a riddle which you will have to solve. If you get it wrong they attack, if you get it right they let you pass. If you stay silent then they will let you go the other way, unscathed.
Dementor - These creatures are hated by many due to the way they make you feel. They are souless, soul sucking monsters. They guard the wizard prison on the island of Azkaban, just to keep them away from the inncoent. They wear black robes and hoods over their heads. The only people who know what they look like are people who have the dementors kiss. This is when a dementor clamps it's mouth onto someone elses and sucks out there soul. They have no eyes or nose. They use human feeling to help guide themselves around. They have grey skin and feed themselves off happy thoughts, making people they feed off depressed. People who have had a hard, depressing life may faint and become ridgid with fear. The cure to make thse people better is chocalte.
Veela - Veela are beautiful creatures that appear to look like gorgeous women. They are well known for there long silver hair that can flow on its own, without wind. They enjoy luring men into liking them which they seem to do hypnotically. However, when angered they can turn into aggressive creatures that seem completely different than the lovely veela that you normally see. Veelas are very magical. Their hairs can be used in wands. They come from Bulgaria.
Leprachaun - Leprachauns come from Ireland. They can fly and produce gold. This gold will dissapear after a short period of time.  They are small magical men-like creatures that are the size of gnomes.
Giant Squid - These are very rare creatures. They tend to live in huge areas of water. As strange as it sounds they can appear to be quite friendly. Usually if anyone falls into some water then the squid will tend to push them back up again. They eat whatever they can (but an animal this size would eat anything).
Chameleon Ghoul - This creature is difficult to find in the wild because it can shape shift to match it's surroundings. They camouflage themselves, just like the Muggle chameleons.
Kelpies - These are aquatic pests. They tend to live in small spaces of water like wells for example. They are a common problem for wizards.
Banshee - A fairy-elf shreiking and wailing fortells the dreaded fate of a family member dying.
Fireblasted Salamander - Related to the Blast-Ended Skrewt, this monster lives in fire and cannot live without it.
Acromantula - These are magical spiders that can talk and they are over 1000 times bigger than the average spider. They eat meat and have no sympathy for innocent prey unless they have saved their life in some way or shone huge acts of loyalty towards them.  They orginate from somewhere far, far away. These spiders all tend to stay together as when one spider lays eggs there are hundreds of eggs eah time. They also stick with each other in times when they feel defenseless. An example of a time like this would be when a spider senses the presence of a Basilisk which is the spiders worst enemy as the Basilisk is fatal to a spider. The oldest giant spider is reguarly the most respected by the others and considered as the leader of the group. They live away from humans and contact with the outside world and tend to be found in forests, caves, etc. 
Ghosts - Ghosts aren't monsters but their informaion somehow found itself in this book. Ghosts are dead people thats have no body and still live on earth. They are look the same as their bodies before they died but they are transparent and they float. They can niot eat or make physical contact with anything or anyone. If you walk through a ghost it will feel like you have just had a very wet shower. Ghosts miss eating so foods that smell strongly are the closest thing to eating for ghosts. When someone dies they only stay on earth as ghosts if they died unhappy. They can talk under water and travel through pipes. Although ghosts are already dead they can become petrified by looking into the eyes of a Basilisk. If you're a wizard and you have never seen a ghost then you are not an average magical person.
Manticore and Firecrab - These vicious creatures are violent and they can cause horrible injury to a human. they're hardly the frindliest of animals. The both share the same number of chromosomes, telling us that these creatures can cross-breed. When one of each of these creatures mate they prouduce th blast-ended skrewt which is just as viscious.
Vampires - Vampires are most commonly found living in the Black Forest. They live off drinking blood, preferably the blood of a human. Vampires only feed and can be seen at night because when sunlight comes in contact with their skin it will completely destroy them.
Giants - Giants are considered scary creatures and they have no feeling or emotion, or very little of it anyway. Their most popular instict is to kill and that's why they are scary. They are abnormally large (thus the name Giant). The few that are left are isolated, mostly living in mountains in various parts of the world. Half giants are smaller giants that are the child of a giant and a normal person. Half giants can feel much more emotion and they can also be very understanding and loving.
Cyclops - The Cyclops is closely related to the giant and the yeti. These huge monsters are well known for their strength, violence and especially their one eye, in the centre of their forehead. These monsters can be found on top of snowy mountains and other cold climates.These creatures seem the most deadly, brutal and dangerous in The Monster Book of Monsters because when they see you with their one eye they will instantly hunt you down and kill you.
Bloodsucking Bug Bear - A wild creature that kills and feeds off Roosters.
Cokatrice - A close relation to the Basilisk and it is very dangerous. A Cockatrice once went on rampage in the Tri-Wizard Tournament of 1792.

  Hag - A female wizard that is less human-like than a real witch.

Yeti - A large ape-like creature. Known to Muggles as the "Abominable Snowman and Big foot".
Flesh-Eating Slug - These slugs are larger than normal slugs and eat a lot. They don't only eat flesh as a meal but they also eat and destroy plants as snacks. It takes strong poison to get rid of them which can be bought in Knockturn Alley.
Octocorn - An extremely close relation to the Unicorn. it is magical, it appears to look like a horse but the only difference from a Unicorn is that the Octocorn has 8 horns.
Three Headed Dog - The three headed dog goes by it's name. it has three heads and it it a huge dog. Often used to guard objects or to protect things. Not much other use can come from them. They sleep at the sound of music.
Billywig - The Billywig is an insect native to Australia. It is around half an inch
long and blue, although it's speed is faster than the muggle eye can see. The
Billywigs wings are attached to the top of it's head and spin fast. The
Billywigs sting is used in the popular candy
Fizzing Whizbees.
Bundimun - Bundimuns are found worldwide. Skilled at creeping under floorboards and behind skirting boards they infest houses. The presence of a Bundimun is usually announced by a foul smell of decay. The Bundimun oozes a secretion which rots away the very foundations of the dwelling in whitch it is found.
Bundimun - Bundimuns are found worldwide. Skilled at creeping under floorboards and behind skirting boards they infest houses. The presence of a Bundimun is usually announced by a foul smell of decay. The Bundimun oozes a secretion which rots away the very foundations of the dwelling in whitch it is found.
Augurey - The Augurey is a native of Britain and Ireland, though sometimes found elsewhere in Northern Europe. A thin and mournful looking bird, somewhat like a small an under fed vulture in appearance, the Augurey is greenish black. It
is very shy, nests in bramble and thorn, eats large insects and fairies, flies
only in heavy rain, and otherwise remains in it's tear shaped nest.
Chimaera - The Chimaera is a rare Greek monster with a Lion's head, a Goat's body and a Dragons tail. Vicious and bloodthirsty, the Chimaera is very dangerous. There is only one known insidant of the successful slaying of a Chimaera. Chimaera eggs are a non tradable good.
Bowtruckle - The Bowtruckle is a tree guardian creature found mainly in the West of England and Southern Germany. It is very difficult to spot, being no taller
than 8 inches and apparently made out of bark and twigs with two small brown
Griffin - The Griffin is an ancient magical creature which is very scarce now. It is seen as a creature of elegance, dignity and beauty despite the fact that it is dangerous. The Griffin's top half of it's body is like an Eagle (just like the Hippogriff) and the bottom half of the body is that of a Lion. This creature originally comes from Greece but now it is rare but when it is seen it can be seen anywhere in the world.
Fwooper- An African worm with extrimly vivid plumage. They can be orange, pink, lime green and yellow. the have long fancy quills. The song of a Fwooper will drive people to insanity and it is sold with a silencing charm.
Crup - The crup originated in the Southeast of
England. It is closely resembles a Jack Russel terrier, except for the
forked tail. The crup is almost certainly a wizard-created dog, as it is
intensely loyal to wizards and ferocious towards Muggles. It is a great
scavenger, eating anything from gnomes to old tyres. Crup liscenses may be obtained from the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures on completion of a simple test to prove that the applicant wizard is capable of controlling the Crup in muggle-inhabited areas. Crup owners are legally obliged to remove the crup's tail with a painless Severing Charm while the Crup is 6 to 8 weeks old, before the muggles notice it.
Snidget - The Snidget looks slightly like a hummingbird. It is as a big as a walnut and has a long, thin beak. It flies extremely fast and it used to be used in Quidditch matches, before the turn of the last century. It's because of it's use in Quidditch matches that the Snidget is an endangered spicies, it was banned from being used in matches because of this and the Snitch was invented. To this day there are many Snidget santuries throughout the world, that protect and breed these creatures.
Sea Serpant - The sea serpant is found in the Pacific Ocean, the Medetteranian Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. They are named the "Sea Serpant" because they live in the sea and there bodies are long, limb-less and snake-like. Though alarming at first site the Sea Serpant doesn't harm or eat humans and they are rarely seen. The Sea Serpant has the head of a horse and a body that looks like that of a snakes. They can reach up to 100 feet long.
Tebo - The Tebo is one of the only animals in the world that can turn invisible. They turn invisible when threatened, or scared and when catching prey. They are fast animals and obviously hard to see which is a disadvantage because it is the skin of the Tebo which is used to make Invisibility Cloaks invisible when worn.
Doxy - Often mistaken for a fairy, but they are very different.  It is covered in thick black hair and has an extra pair of arms and legs.  The wings are thick, curved, and shiny.  They lay eggs at about 500 at a time and hatch in two to three weeks.  If bitten an antidote should be taken.
Hippocampus - This monster has the head and forequarters of a horse and tail and hindquarters of a fish.  The species are usually found in the medeterrian, merpeople domesicated them in Scotland in 1949.
Jarvey - This is found in Great Britian, Ireland, and North America. It resembles an overgrown ferret, except that it can talk.  It's phrases are constant and rude. They live underground where they persue gnomes, but they will also eat rats, moles, and voles.
Re'em - Extremely rare giat oxen with golden hides,the Re'em are found both in the wilds of North America and the Far East. Re'em blood gives the drinker immense strength, though the difficulty in procuring it means that supplies are negligible and rarely for sale on the open market.
Ashwinder - Created when a magical fire is allowed to burn unchecked for too long.  A thin-pale grey serpent with glowing red eyes, it will rise from the ashes  of a fire and slither away to lay their eggs.  The Ashwinder lives for about an hour, when it dies it turns into ashes.  The eggs are bright red and give off  a lot of heat.  If not found soon the eggs will burn down the house.
Bundimun - A creature that is skilled at looking under floorboards in houses and causing them to collapse.  You can usually tell when they are in your house when you smell a decaying odor.  If let to stay in the house too long certain charms will rid them of your house.
Nundu - The most dangerous creature in the world.  It's breath alone can destroy villages.  Even though the are over 50 feet tall they are hard to spot until it is too late.  The only way they can be stopped is by over 100 wizards working together.
Quintaped - A very dangerous creature.  They are carnivores and have a taste for humans.  Its low slung body that walks on all 5 legs and sharp teeth are difficult to find in long grass.  They are very difficult to catch because they attack anything in site and are really fast.
Shrake - This is a fish covered in spines and lives all over the Alantic Ocean.  It was belived to be created by a wizard to gain revenge  against a Muggle.  So anytime a Muggle fisherman goes fishing in that area, when they pull up their nets the are ripped on the bottom because of the Shrake.
Half Giant - This being is hardly a monster but it is the offsrping of of a monster. The half-giant is born when a human and a giant have a child. Unlike giants a lot of Half Giants feel emotion and are misunderstood by the public who believe them to be like Giants who have no feelings or regard for other peoples feeling and they are thought of as very agressive. They are misunderstood like Werewolves are. Half-Giants live long and you can tell who is a half giant because they look like they have swallowed a bottle of Skele-Grow. 
Harpie - A creature with a head of a women, and body of  a raven. Harpies have golden hair, leathery wings and steel claws.Their feathers are black.They can be very vicious. They are a pest,for they attack diners and eat their food. Harpies come somewhere from over the sea.The area is not precise.



 The Monster Book of Monsters