
4 (Excellent)

3 (High)

2 (Satisfactory)

1 (Developing)


The assignment incorporates all four aspects of Viking life suggested in the assignment outline.

The assignment includes three of the aspects of Viking life suggested in the assignment outline.

The assignment covers two of the aspects of Viking life suggested in the assignment outline.

The assignment only mentions one aspect of Viking life suggested in the assignment outline.


The information provided is factual, accurate and informative and from a variety of sources.

Information is factual, accurate and informative but from a limited variety of sources.

Some correct and useful information has been discovered.

Very limited correct and useful information included.


A range of interesting, original and educational activities for children have been produced.

A number of educational activities produced but limited in originality.

Activities produced but little integration of Viking information or evidence of originality.

Only one activity for children has been produced.


Very colourful and eye catching.  Evidence that much thought has been made regarding design and presentation.

Colourful and well presented.  Effort has been made in the area of design.

Some colour has been used.  An attempt has been made to design.

Minimal effort has been made to present the project well.


All instructions have been followed and all requirements met (Magazine name; Correct topic; Aspects; Format; Length)

Most of the requirements of the assignment have been met.

Some of the requirements of the assignment have been met.

Only one of the requirements of the assignment has been met.

                                       Marking Rubric - Assignment: You Little Viking