Everyone's Screen Names

Cool Websites

A Link To Nowhere



'.Inca Sports 2.'

'.Filipino Pride (better).'

'.Other Pictures.'

'.Volley ball.'

'.Art Show.'


__Brad__ (updated)

Site created by Sammy Pontrelli and Megan Fitzpatrick
Pictures Taken By Mr. Sanchez and Sammy Pontrelli
If you have some last words for Brad in heaven please email them to Sammy or Megan. Our email addresses are on the email page and on the white links below.

Sometimes this website's pictures will not be working becuase of unknown reasons. Haha! Megan thinks she has solved THAT problem, SAMMY!

If you have any comments, suggestions, or whatever, please contact Sammy, or Megan.


Just 4 Fun

Just 4 Fun

Birthday stuff

Date of Birth
Month Day Birth Year
Date to compute Age
Month Day Year

You are days old.
You are hours old.
Your birthday was on a

An Internet Maze