Hi, I'm Geoff, welcome to my website. I try to keep this updated to let everyone know all the stuff I do every day.

I want to tell you guys a little about me. I pretty much like the same kinds of things that everyone else does. Some of my favorites are watching and masterbating to Vin Diesel movies.

I think that my whole Vin Diesel thing first started when I watched the Iron Giant. It was just a cartoon movie, so it was just his voice that turned me on so much. Then after that I watched XXX and now I'm forever in the Xander Xone. I couldn't stop thinking of the xxx things I wanted to do to him, and him to do to me. I achieved my first orgasm then. He had his shirt off so much in that movie. Yum. He really revs my engine when he hits the pedal in The Fast and The Furious (he has his shirt off a lot in that one too).

I've worked at a movie theater for a long time and got to watch all his movies for free. I almost got fired a few times because I would spend my shifts just sitting in and watching Chronicles of Riddick. Luckily, nobody ever caught me with me pants down, if you know what I mean:) One time, Derek had to go in and clean it up one time.

My Hunk of Man

Here's my little journal part. It's just some things that I've been up to lately.