
::::::Chapter Fifty-Five::::::
Hayden let out a tired moan as she felt the light tapping on her shoulder. Pulling the covers over her head, she ignored the irritation and tried to fall back asleep. As she let out a sigh and licked her lips, she felt her head start on it’s venture of circles 100 miles an hour. Her stomach gurgled with a bubble and her heart started at a rapid pace.

“I didn’t have THAT much to drink” she told herself as she pulled a hand up to rub her sleepy eye. Gently pushing the sheets off her face she took in a deep breath, squinting an eye open to see JC with his back to her as he leaned over doing something.

“Mornin sleepy head” JC said with a chuckle as Hayden’s eyes squinted back shut. His voice pounded in her ears. “Come on. We got five minutes before we have to be down for the bus.” he said rubbing her arm.

Hayden let out a sigh. “What time is it?” she muttered, licking her lips.

“Early” JC chuckled. “But you, lucky lady, get more sleep. Just after you walk your way down to the bus” he said leaning in to brush the few strands of hair out of Hayden’s face.

“I don’t want to walk down” Hayden pouted. “I want to stay right here” she said letting out a yawn.

JC chuckled as he shook his head. Leaning in he pressed his lips quickly on her forehead. “Come on Tubers. You at least need to change out of THAT outfit” he exclaimed making his point on the outfit.

Hayden shook her head. “Don’t step up in the Daddy department” she grumpily said as she pulled the covers from her body and sat up; blinking her eyes a few times before things came into focus as her head stopped it’s wobbly spinning.

“Well maybe next time you shouldn’t go out if you can’t eve stay awake enough to get to the hotel room!” JC scolded. “Or cut back on the drinks?” he said with a risen eyebrow as Hayden made her way to the bathroom.

JC sat back down on the bed, shaking his head. What was he to do with her? He felt like his protection on her was running out. Pretty soon would she be out doing everything she wanted, threatening herself to hit a relapse or even worse? Who was to say she could stop herself from doing something. She was accustomed to the routine and knew what she could and couldn’t do, but he felt as if she was using that against herself.

JC let out a sigh as he fell back on the bed and ran his hands over his face. “Get over it man. She’s growing up right in front of your eyes. Give her some room. She knows right from wrong. Be a best friend, a brother. Not a friggin father” his mind scolded.

He was becoming more of a father towards her when it came time for her to do things. But he couldn’t help it. He loved her more than any one could know and the last thing he could do was to see her at any state like she was before. His conscious was just playing mind games with him. He was worrying too much. She could care for herself.

“If you’d only let yourself believe that, it’d be much easy Chasez” His conscious rang a bell in the back of his head.

“Jace.. can you carry my bags for me?” Hayden’s soft voice filled the room pulling JC from his thoughts. “I’m... too tired” she complained reaching for her tennis shoes.

JC let out a sigh as he rose from he bed and looked over at his best friend. The state she was in put a laughing smile to his face. Oh she’ll defiantly learn to watch herself on the drinks he told himself as he looked over her light blue wind pants and white long sleeve tshirt outfit. “Sorry.. I’ve got my own plus some work”

Hayden’s head fell to her chest as a low growl escaped from her lips. She finished tying her second shoe before standing back up, standing still for a second to regain her head before going to retrieve her duffel bag and purse.

Seeing JC’s white hoodie laying across the back of the chair at the dining table, a smirk crossed her lips. She knew JC was going to wear it. He always left out a sweatshirt or jacket to wear on the bus. She was cold and needed something to keep warm with. Not waiting another minutes she snatched the hoodie and pulled it over her head, keeping the hood over her head she pulled the strap of her black duffel bag over her shoulder and her purse over that.

“Let’s gooooo” JC stated reaching for his sweatshirt. He looked from the chair to the ground over to Hayden who was opening the door to the hallway. He shook his head reaching for the paper work on the glass table and held it under one arm as he carried his duffel bag and laptop on his other shoulder.

Hayden and JC were the first two of the group to even walk out of their hotel rooms. Not even Lance had emerged. yet you had to take into consideration that he was out til nearly 3 that morning. And seeing how it was only 4:15, no one would expect to see his face until the last call went around.

Unlike any other morning calls, there were only a select few in the lobby waiting for any sight of the guys. Hayden recognized one or two of them from last night and her heart pitied them. Why in the world would any one person stay at a hotel lobby that long to possibly get a glance of the guys?! They were completely insane in her opinion.

JC smiled at the girls who stared up at him in shock as he quickly passed by. A girl stopping him by the door had asked for a photo with him and surprisingly he’d agreed, handing his work off to his bodyguard who was getting instructions on how to take the picture.

By the time the girl thanked him for the tenth time in a matter of a minutes, The elevators were dinging with announcement of Chris’ arrival. Smiling at the girl before making his way out the lobby doors, JC retrieved his work and headed straight for the bus’ doors.

“So you’re feeling generous so early in the morning, huh?” Hayden asked running the tuber of chapstick along her lips. Looking up to find JC nodding. “Nice to know fans come before family” she said dropping her chapstick back into her purse.

JC shook his head as he shoved his bag into his bunk. “Come on Grouchy. Let’s go get some rest” he sighed pulled her by the hand to the back of the bus.

JC sat as Hayden grabbed the quilt from under the couch-like seat spread across the perimeter of the back room. She quickly sat herself next to him, cuddling into his chest and pulling the edge of the quilt up to her nose as JC turned on the tv.

“Whatever you do... keep Chris away from me” Hayden muttered as JC let out a chuckle.

“I don’t think you’ll have any problems with any of the guys this morning. They’ll be fast asleep in their bunks. I’d just advise you too keep away from them” he laughed as his hand wrapped around her patted her back a couple times.

Hayden looked at the mirror in front of her as she ran her finger gently under her right eye. She’d let Maggie, one of the guys’ make-up artist, try one of her latest combinations on her. This one actually gave Hayden a look she liked. It screamed elegancy, simplicity, and delicacy but with a twist of teenage stylish, and Jennifer Lopez touch.

Hayden stepped to the side to retrieve her glasses from her purse. She’d been seeing blurry all day and her eyes were giving up the fight to even see. Pushing the silver rimmed glasses up her nose, she shut the case. tossing it back in her purse. Just as she went to grab her cell phone a pair of arms wrapped around her waist from behind, scaring her for a second before turning her head back to see the little curls brushing against her neck.

“So, how’s the hangover?” Justin whispered resting his chin on Hayden’s shoulder.

“What hangover?” Hayden played dumb. Justin laughed as he tightened his arms around her again. “It’s better. But I could not get out of bed this morning” Hayden complained shaking her head.

“JC notice?” Justin asked as his hand ran along the brim of her pants and shirt.

Hayden laughed. “He’d be stupid if he didn’t” she shook her head. “He didn’t say anything, but I’m sure he noticed” she nodded., leaning back against Justin’s body.

Justin pressed his lips against the exposed skin of her neck, brushing the strands of hair covering her neck away with his nose. His fingers ran over the bare midriff as he placed butterfly kisses along Hayden’s neck. leading up to her ear before making a path back down.

Hayden closed her eyes as she let a soft moan escape her lips. His lips felt really good against her skin. He knew the perfect way to relaxed her entire body. As Justin’s lips ran back up to her ear and filled the tender skin behind her ear, Hayden’s mind flashed with a moment of last night.

Justin had her pinned back against the door, his lips running along her jaw line, his hand sneaking under her shirt. He’d found one of her spots but hadn’t stayed long. His lips filled the bare space behind her ear; her body racking with goose bumps.

Hayden licked her lips as she opened her eyes. “J-justin” she said no louder than a whisper. Justin ran his lips up to her ear where he stopped, his hot breath escaping against her sensitive skin.

“Hmm?” he mumbled into her ear.

Hayden stared at his hands for a second. “Wha... what did we actually do last night?” she asked, her voice cracking at the beginning of actually. “We.. we didn’t...”

“Noooo” Justin’s deep voice filled her ear followed by a low chuckle. “No. We didn’t... we didn’t” he shook his head pressing his lips against her shoulder as he let out another chuckle.

“Not funny” Hayden whined shrugging her shoulders as Justin lifted his head from them. “If we didn’t.... then what did we do?” she asked, tracing the top of his hand as it rest against her stomach.

“You seriously don’t remember?” Justin asked. “Nothing?” he questioned as Hayden slowly shook her head no. “You weren’t THAT slammed” he teased.

“Shut up” Hayden laughed. “I had quite a few drinks” she nodded. “Ok, a lot more than I usually have. But I... I can’t remember anything more than being cornered against the door” she said as Justin agreed.

“We both were quite filled” Justin nodded his head. “But we didn’t do anything more than kiss. yea.. we were grinding pretty hard out on the dance floor, but we left before we could let out lips or hands explore in public”

Hayden’s eyebrow raised. “How far did WE explore?” she questioned, biting down on her bottom lip.

“All we did was kiss... preeetty heavily” he nodded. “You’re hands ran across my chest and brushed my lower half.” he couldn’t help the grin forming on his face. “I had my hand up your shirt and almost up your skirt”

“Almost?” Hayden muttered out.

Justin let out a sigh. “Yes.” he replied as silence filled the small room. Hayden stared at her purse sitting on the counter with a million more questions running through her mind but not sure what to ask, or if she should.

“My mom called. I had to get it” he let out a sigh. “I wasn’t in the mood for her 50 questions and a lecture. All I wanted was... well...” he chuckled with a little nervousness. “And when I came back. you were fast asleep”

Hayden let out a soft laugh.

“So I carried you down to JC’s room and saved you from the lecture, scolding.... whatever he would have did” Justin explained.

“You didn’t save me” Hayden shook her head as Justin’s eyebrow flew up.

“Oh I didn’t?” he questioned with a smirk. He ran his hand up a little more under her shirt. Hayden quickly pulled his hand out and held both of them in her hands.

“I have to get back to Maggie” Hayden explained turning around to face Justin. “She needed to run and get her camera and I needed my glasses” she smiled up at Justin. He looked so cute. There was an obvious sign of little sleep, tiredness, and even a tint of the hangover left on his face.

“I’ll see you at dinner” she muttered as Justin leaned in and captured her lips. Justin’s teeth closed around her bottom lip as she tried to pull away and successfully pulled her back for another sweet kiss.

“OH MY GOD!!” Chris shouted as the door to the room swung open.

Hayden and Justin both froze, like a deer caught in headlights. Quickly going with the first idea that popped in her head, Hayden pulled her head back and stared up at Justin's face for a quick second before her hand came from behind her and smacked clear across the side of Justin's face.

Justin’s eyes about popped out as he stood with his back to Chris, looking up at Hayden in pure shock.

“What on earth do you think you’re doing?” Hayden shouted as Justin moved his hand up to cover his face. “I may have a hangover but I am in NO way, shape or form, drunk! Nor oblivious to what is going on” she said fighting back the laughter that was building up inside of her as she stared at Justin’s shocked face.


“Don’t you EVER kiss me again!” Hayden said and with that she grabbed her purse and bulted for the door, brushing Chris’ shoulder with hers. Slamming the door shut, she let the laughter bust out into the empty hallway. She quickly made her way down the hallway to find Maggie before anyone came to see what was going on.