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«·´¨*·.¸¸.i3a3yT's Page.¸¸.·*¨`·»
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Under Construction


[Song Playing: None]

Last October 28th, 2002 @ 9:37 p.m.


--{ Welcome }---
Hello! Thanks for dropping by my page. I finally updated it. Well I hope you enjoy it.


--{ 411 }--

D.o.B. of dis page: October 25th, 2001

Song: None

Name in Engilsh: Tina

Name in Viet: Lien

Nicks: i3a3yT, Princess, Sweetie, Honey, Bunny, Boo, Chicky, VC... many more

Nationality: 75%Viet, 25% Chinese

Age: 4 meeh to kno and 4 u 2 find out!

My D.o.B.: 1-17-??

Status: Single

Location: Wouldnt u like to kno

Gender: 99.9999999999999% Female.... j/p

Height: 5`4 [around there]

Weight: 90 [about there]

Likes: Being Online, Hanging With Friends, Listening to Music, Running Track, Swimming...

DisLikes: Perks, Bitchy People...

Contacts: Sn - LiLVGLC

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for this remote to work!*

Favorite Sports: Track

Favorite Color: Blu

Favorite Food: Asian Food

Favorite Song: The song playing right now

Favorite Movi: Don’t Hab 1


--{ ShoutOuts }--

Still adding please be patient... yes your name is not on there...... =P [yet]

--{ Girls }-- |Ngoc bka "Knock"|Silgian|Vania|Maxine|Jenny|Claudia|Ann|Amaarah|Phi|Ana|Jessica bka "Jessy"|Ashley|Thao aka "Kristine"|Courtney|Stephaine|Erica|Debbie|Erika|Jena|Lauren|Kristie|Mitchelle aka "Cheller"

|Ravi|Sebation aka "Daddy"|Greg aka "Dorry"|Chris aka "Cwis"|Mike aka "Scooby"|Kenny|Brent|Kevin aka "Special K"|Joe|Stan|Edward|Ho Kin|Bryant|Tan bka "Chay"|Vu|Ivan|Tony|Chinh|Eddie|Tuyen aka "Twin"|Mike bka "Pinto"|Brian aka "BeeG"|Rodrigo aka "Chico"|Todd aka "Ddot"|Grant aka "G"|Evan bka "Than"|Jing aka "Babez"|Mike aka "BabiBoo"| --{ Boys }--


I think therfore I believe.
I see therefore I know.
I listen therfore I understand.
I found but then I lost.
I had it but then it was gone.......
I kno that im not the onli one that let that special one go.......

lilsw33ti: but now that he's uglier than the tree outside my window


More Pages Comming Soon [Yes, including my famous "Picture Page"]

"Ne1 Who Dinks Der Car Isnt
A Reflection Of Der Personality...


Quote: Originally posted by Evil MasterBaiT on 15 November 2002



boogers are weird.. how come boogers smell when

they're outside your nose? and when its inside.. it

doesn't.. hmmn..

