My brother Tony,J.J reminds me the most of him. Simular personality...very comical..without even trying to be funny..the youngest of the kids

My sister Sherry..what can I say about her..humm..Mom always said if u don't have anything nice to say than just don't say anything..but mom's not here..LOL.every family should have a Sherry in the family..just to make things interesting..we tease her about her cooking..or the lack of her's all in good taste..the joking not her cooking..hehehhehe

My sister Amber..the oldest of us kids..You can count on Amber to ALWAYS get a story wrong, she's the sister u never want to tell a secret too, or talk about another sibling to, she will ALWAYS tell the secret and 10 outta 10 times get the facts wrong...LOL

This is Ray, my sister Linda's husband..married 25 yrs..OMG..Ray's a good guy most of the time. He has had a run in with all my sister's but ME, he and I get along pretty good..probably cuz I try to mind my own business..I said..TRY..

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