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Let There Be Light

By Bud Sampson

(My grandson)


Let there be light for those who seek it.

Let there be dark for those who speak it

and forever wander in the dark

where the one did make his mark.


Saved are those who choose the right

and lost are those who refuse His light

to forever wander in the dark

where the one did make his mark.


Those who know him not should not be blamed,

but in the end they must be tamed

or forever wander in the dark

where the one did make his mark.


Right and wrong, wrong and right.

Which one do you choose to fight.

To forever glory in His name

or chose the other with no fame

and forever wander in the dark

where the one did leave his mark.


(c) 2004 Lynn Sampson



Blessed With Insomnia

By Henry L. Lefevre

Do I count my blessings? You can bet I do and insomnia is high on the list. Frequent fits of alertness after midnight help me keep fit as a beer-drinking sports fan. These spells also sharpen my memory and help me meet all my deadlines. Who could ask for a better affliction?

When insomnia hits, I toss and turn for an hour or more. That makes up for my failure to exercise during the day. If tossing and turning isn't doing the job, I lower the thermostat to 16-degrees and throw off my covers. Before long, a good case of shivers supplements my restlessness, giving me the amount of calorie burning that I would get from watching the Denver Broncos lose by six touchdowns.

Once my exercise routine runs its course, I approach a state of dreamy wonderment and gin up more essay ideas than I could ever develop when awake at my old trusty keyboard.

Dreaming and apparition retention require different skills. In order to maximize my dream catching efficiency, I practice memory enhancements while enticing the sandman to hurry on back. The main steps include:

* First, I try iteration, repeating the idea over and over. Can you think of anything more boring than that? Most of the time, I'm yawning in seconds and sleeping in minutes.

* If I'm still wide-awake at the end of an hour, I try word associations. As an example, I remembered the topic of insomnia by picturing myself swimming in yogurt--that takes care of the "in." Then, I visualize the yogurt container washing up on the shores of Samoa. Finally, I have to convince myself that in-Samoa sounds a little bit like insomnia. If I'm not bored to sleep by then, I get out of bed and wake up my faithful computer.

My trusty electronic amigo is always there to soothe and console me. I can depend on its silent efficiency as it helps me spend the next hour or two outlining the essay that I was planning to write the moment I snapped out of my stupor.

This system works like a charm. It even came through the time my hardware broke down when I was 90% through a fabulous essay. Catastrophe? Not really! My computer backs up my writing every ten seconds or so.

What would I do if my computer crashed? No problem. I no longer depend on a single computer. I have my desktop, my portable, and my spare. That way, I am never completely abandoned. It is a little like having two wives on perpetual standby. My computers never complain when I wake them up at two in the morning. In addition, they never have headaches

Am I exaggerating? Let's look at it this way. Would I stake my reputation for disputable veracity by pulling such a nefarious ploy! Instead of exaggerating, I'm really underplaying it all.

(c) 2004 Henry L. Lefevre

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