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1. You’re walking down the road. You see a wallet on the ground. You pick it up. It has $50 in it, as well as a license with a not too friendly looking man on it, a membership to the local porn shop, and some unpaid parking tickets. You:

a.)Return it. Mr. John Doe’s phone number and address is clear enough on his license. $50 isn’t worth committing a crime over.
b.)This guy is obviously no good. He doesn’t deserve the money, no more than I have the time to spend trying to get it back to him for being careless enough to lose it in the first place.
c.)Report the parking tickets to the local police, and leave the wallet there for Mr. Doe to pick up, and be on your merry way.
d.)Mail the wallet back to the guy, keep the money and spend it on a party for all your friends at your expense.

2. You-know-who is about to take over the world. The only way to stop him is if you or your best friend dies. What do you do? What DO you do!?

1.)Immediately leap in front of your friend to take the blow first. You’d do anything to save him/her and the world we live in.
2.)Stubbornly fight until the end, never giving up until the last minute and then finally die in place of your friend.
3.)When your friend offers to die for the cause, you cry for them, get really upset, and yell something along the lines of, “I’ll always remember that day in Paris!” but don’t exactly stop them either.
4.)Since you know more about the villain in question, you’re the only one who can seal the V-man after he has been defeated by the sacrifice, so therefore your friend must die for the cause, as sad as that may be….. but you WILL avenge them.

3. You're walking near the Forbidden Forest when you see a creature just inside the forest. It seems to be injured. You:

a.)Feel bad about the poor thing, but wouldn't dare enter there. It's against the rules!
b.)Know enough about creatures to know that it doesn't need your help. You read that if the smell of a human gets on a magical beast, the rest of its kind will reject it.
c.)Think, “Like I’m EVEN going to get killed for a random beast that will probably kill me if it got the chance. I’m late to meet someone anyway, so ill just mention it to Hagrid later.”
d.)Go in the forest to see if you can help it. So what if it's forbidden?

4. You hear a story about a kid who is getting the death penalty for killing his parents. He claims his parents abused him and drove him to it so it’s not his fault and he should get off. Your opinion of the matter is:

a.)That’s horrible! I mean, what he did is wrong, but I can’t believe his parents would do something so awful. It’s not fair!
b.)I am so sick of hearing people blame the fact they’re crazy on their parents. Parents can be bad. That doesn’t mean you get to stab them in the face repeatedly. If you can’t cope with the world and all its suckiness, then get out.
c.)Well, that’s a pity that it happened, but a law’s a law. You can’t kill people without facing the penalties.
d.)Aww, that’s so sad!! I bet he didn’t have any friends to help him through his hard time. That’s just terrible.

5. A few words that may describe you, either negative or positive, could be ONE or MORE of the following groups (be honest with yourself here!):

a.)Smart, quiet, rational, but can be too cold or distanced from others at times.
b.)Brutally honest, determined, but can sometimes be mean, and motives are often selfish
c.)Headstrong, Daring, a good person most the time, but sometimes rash and hot headed.
d.)Fun-loving, Care-free, and a good friend, always tries hard, but may not be the brightest bulb.

Send an owl (neomail) with these answers on it to the headmisstress (hermonie_3) and she will sort you as soon as possible!