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Uninsured Americans
Save Our Overtime Wages
John Kerry for President
Cover the Uninsured Week
Operation Truth

"There's not a black America and white America and Latino America and Asian America; there's the United States of America"...Barack Obama
Thanks for visiting my website. You probably got my address from one of the online game rooms where I spend a lot of time or one of the AOL chat rooms! I have really strong feelings about all of us in this country that have worked all of our lives and have no medical coverage at all. 44 million Americans have no medical coverage**UPDATE**it is now 45 million!...that is nearly 20% of all Americans and 33% of our Veterans in the United States are homeless today. In the 60's we had sit-in's to protest and now with everything electronic I have placed my donation button here as my way of protesting and for anyone that would like to help out with my surgery. Any donation is much appreciated and a huge thanks for all the donations that have come in. Here's to hoping that John Kerry and his medical plan go all the way! And please go see "Fahrenheit 9/11 " awesome movie!
