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Web Log Entry: July 15th

Enough is Enough!

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     If you're like me, you have had enough of the political climate we live in; where partisanship is favored over statesmanship. Enough of the political leadership mired in the simplistic notion that "If you do not agree with me, I will not listen to you". Enough of the brutal politics in which one candidate attacks the other's character in the hope of winning at any cost. Enough of wedge issue politics the divide our citizens rather then unite them. Enough of the wealthy special interests buying the loyalty of elected representatives who were elected to represent us. Enough of the elected officials who can not tell right from wrong, or worse, who do not care. Enough of cynical political gimmicks like TABOR, Concealed Carry, Capital Punishment, Capital Corruption, and Gay Bashing. If you have had enough, if you want property tax relief, affordable health care, good public schools, and a clean honest government, vote for change, vote for Tim Henney.

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Authorized and payed for by
The Committee to Elect Tim Henney
Maureen Kreckler, Treasurer

Web Page Design by Joel Caulum
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