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Welcome to the

Tim Henney for Assembly

Official Website

"A Rural Democrat for the 42nd District"

Tim's thought's on today's issues

     Hello, and thank you for visiting our web page. Take your time to look around, and feel free to leave a comment, or pose a question, and I will do my best to provide a timely answer. This is a web page that is still evolving, so if you do not see what you are looking for today, ask or stop back again.

     As a candidate for the State Assembly for the 42nd District my goal is not merely to defeat an incumbent, but to be among the class of Democrats and Progressives elected 2006 and who are dedicated to cleanse the political culture in Madison.

     Wisconsin faces many challenges in the next few years. We must find a way to provide affordable health care for every citizen in our state, to adequately fund quality schools, to protect our environment, and to encourage economic development. It is my belief that none of these things will be accomplished until the voters force the legislature to face up to, and change the culture of corruption that currently permeates Wisconsin politics. The present leadership will not clean up the house; Jensen, Foti, Gard and company have repeatedly demonstrated that they have no stomach for serious reform because that would cut out the influence of, and huge campaign contributions from, the special interests that currently control the legislative agenda in Madison.

     It is up to the voters of Wisconsin to end this pay-to-play political monster that has been created. The only way to change the character of this legislature is to change the membership of this legislature. That is what we must do in 2006 if we expect to have a legislature that actually works for the "common good". In our campaign we tell voters to "Reform the House, Reclaim your Voice"!

     If you want to reclaim your voice, and you can help with a donation, it should go to The Committee to Elect Tim Henney, 783 Saddle Ridge, Portage, Wisconsin 53901. For contributions over $10 we must have your name, for contributions over $50 we must have your address and for contributions over $100 the name of your employer. We cannot accept contributions of more than $500. Click here to see a list of contributors for all candidates.

     Thank you for visiting. Tim Henney

Campaign Trail Photos!
Contact Candidate Henney
Schedule and Appearences
Background and Experience
Read Tim's Writings
Campaign Platform
Tim answers your questions
Campaign Committee
How can I help?
Portage, WI.
State Democratic Party
National Democratic Party
Baskets by Kari
Authorized and payed for by
The Committee to Elect Tim Henney
Maureen Kreckler, Treasurer
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Thanks for coming!

Web Page Design by Joel Caulum
You can e-mail him at