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Today is Tuesday 2/18/03 9:20 AM

*Here's a site with no real purpose. It's stuffed with pictures and nonsense. So far it may seem a little boring but with your help it could be awesome. If you want to give me me!!: )

Fun-This section has a list of movies and what I thought of them. If you have comments I can post them.

Aaron -Okay...This section my be boring for some of you but almost every month I will try to change this section to feature pics and facts about a new person.

Pictures -Pictures, pictures pictures...Here's a bunch of random, printable pics featuring the hottest guy to the kewlest clothes.

If you are looking for a cute cuddly pet click here to see the animals who need a home at the SPCA!!

Thank you for comin and hangin out in my world. Tell your friends and come again!!

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