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Time Line

AC 001

- After Colony Calender established.
- Development of Space Colonies begins. Conflicts on Earth are still widespread.

AC 020

- Construction of the Space Colonies begins at La Grange Point One (L1), based on the results of research from space stations. The Earth's Nation funds colony construction and many people quickly recruite as workers for the construction to escape the conflicts on earth. But the project is delayed due to new diseases and harsh conditions in space.

AC 040

- The conflicts of Earth spread to space. Acts of sabotage frequently occur between warring nations' colonies. As the friction intensifies, many uncompleted colonies are destroyed.

AC 050

- The companies constructing the colonies reevaluate their plans, and many colonies and plans are discontinued or postponed. International conflicts cause a decrease in the funding of the project, so the entire idea is reevaluated as popularity drops.
- The nations of the Middle East join the development project. With oil resources exhaused, the Middle East hopes to boost colony construction and the project continues.
- Colony construction begins at other La Grange Points.

AC 070

- The limited supply of construction materials becomes a friction point for the companies building the colonies. As resources from Earth dwindle, nations and colonies plunder resources from each other.
- The Middle East takes a leadership role in the resource problem and astroids are used as resources. Due to the new resources supply, confrontations between colonies are avoided, and development continues.

AC 102

- The first space colony is completed at L1.
- The Colony Construction Rush begins. A Space Colony Orbital Community Center (or Colony Cluster) is formed.
- Conflicts on Earth intensify. The emmigration to space increases, and space colonists make up 15% of the Human Population.

AC 130

- The rate of immigration to space continues to increase, causing a degeneration of Earth's Nations.

AC 133

- The United Earth's Sphere Alliance is established. To help avoid conflict, a collective security organization is created, run under a council system.
- The United Earth Sphere Allied Forces are created for peace-keeping purposes. The Alliance brings uncooperative nations under control by overwhelming military power, and takes an active role in stamping out conflict. The Long Clan is forced to emmigrate to Colony A0206.

AC 139

- A system for Colonial Self-Government is established. - The Colonists are wary of Alliance rule. The Alliance sees this as conflict and prepares a military buildup.

AC 140

- The Colonies are ordered to join the Alliance. - The Colonies renounce their right to self-government. A number of pro-independance activists take their activities underground.

AC 145

- Delegations from Earth are reported missing on L1. Illegal independance movements intensify.

AC 147

- Alliance forces are stationed at each colony. The Alliance places proxies in each nation, ad begins military domination on Earth.

AC 149

- The Alliance general assembly decides to transfer control of the colonies to their mother countries. As the colonies' economies improve, investment and emmigration increase. There is a short period of tentative peace and stability.

AC 150

- The Colony Issues Council is established. Amid increasing opposition to the Alliance, colony administrators establish and Issues Mediation Coucnil. Chapters are established on several colonies.

AC 165

- The Colony Issues Council elects Heero Yuy as its representive. The Council establishes chapters in every colony. Heero Yuy essentially becomes leader of the colonies. Heero Yuy advocates the principles of non-violence and demilitarization.

AC 170

- Heero Yuy's ideology gains supporters in the colonies and in some of Earth's nations.

AC 173

- The "Declaration of Colony Demilitarization" is announced at L1, with a decision to formally adopt it 2 years later. Under Heero Yuy's leadership, the colonies declare themselves demilitarized and autonomous.
- The Romefeller Foundation begins mobile suit development. The Romefeller Foundation, financial manager of the United Earth Sphere Alliance, is annoyed at the colonies' independance movement, and begins to prepare for military intervention.

AC 174

- Heero Yuy makes a tour of Earth's Nations. Beginning with the nations of Asia ~ the mother countries of L1 ~ he concentrates on those that sympathize with his pacifist ideology. More countries begin to support the "Declaration of Colony Demilitarization" and he coordinates efforts for independance.

AC 175

- Heero Yuy is assassinated. The adoption of the "Declaration of Colony Demilitarization" is permanently halted. The colonies lose their unity and are thrown into chaos.
- A few scientists flee from the Alliance's mobile suit developement team. The development plan is changed to focus on mass production mobile suits, and the Leo is produced.
- The secret military organization OZ is established.

AC 176

- The Alliance dispatches it's first mobile suit corps, "The Specials", to the colonies. The mobile suit corps place the colonies under military control. Communication between the colonies is distrupted, and colony solidarity is hindered.

AC 177

- The Alliance's military domination of Earth intensifies. The Specials rack up numerous achievements in battle, gaining power and influence.

AC 180

- King Peacecraft advocates total pacifism. The Peacecraft royal family, which rules one of the Alliance's member nations, recieves support from some other countries for its police on total pacifism.

AC 182

- The Alliance launches a surprise attack on the capital of King Peacecraft's Sanc Kingdom. The Kingdom is destroyed in the course of the Alliance's military intervention, and King Peacecraft dies. The Prince and Princess of the nation are reported missing.

AC 187

- The "Maxwell Church Tragedy" kills over 200 people, as well as Father Maxwell, an advocator of peace. A young boy named Duo is the only survivor of the incident.

AC 188

- Uprising at Colony X18999 occurs, and assassin Odin Lowe is killed.
- Heero meets Dr. J.

AC 190

- A young mercenary called "No Name" meets a young girl named Midii Une who betrays him and his commrades.

AC 191

- Terrorists attack an Allied base near Ambassador Dorlain's estate. Relena Darlian is saved from these terrorists by "The Lightening Count", whom she believes is a prince of the stars.

AC 192

- Duo meets Professor G on the moon.

AC 193

- Trieze Kushrenada is appointed leader of OZ.
- The resource satelitte MO-III is occupied by the Maganac Corps. Quatre Winner's shuttle is hi-jacked by these men, but after helping them in battle, they swear their allegience to him.

AC 194

- Alliance forces attack Colony A0206. Wufei pilots the Shenlong Gundam for the first time.

AC 195

- "Operation Meteor" is carried out. Five Gundams reach Earth as part of the colonies' secret plot against the Alliance, and these Gundams begin attacking Alliance bases.
- Minister Dorlian is assasinated.
- Field Marshall Noventa and others are assassinated in peace actions. The five Gundams gather at the New Edward's Base.
- "Operation Daybreak" is initiated, and OZ begins taking control of the Alliance. The entire Earth is placed under control of the Romefeller Foundation.
- Zechs Merquise reclaims the Sanc Kingdom with the help of Special Lt. Noin and Lt. Otto.
- The Colonies are taken hostage, and Wing Gundam is self-detonated.
- Zechs Merquise withdraws from OZ. He and Heero clash in Antartica.
- Special Envoy Lady Une begins conciliatory talks with the colonies. OZ, assuming the guise of a peacekeeping organization, releases the colonies from Alliance control. Meanwhile, OZ developes the unmanned mobile suits called "Mobile Dolls" and increases it's military buildup. The Gundams are seen as enemies to the colonies.
- The Gundam Sandrock is self-detonated at the Singapore Base. Two other Gundams make it into space.
- Internal conflict at the Winner Family Resource Satellite occurs, and Mr. Winner is killed.
- Wing Zero Gundam destroys a colony.
- Treize defies the Romefeller Foundation, is taken out of power and locked in confinement. A split occurs in OZ, and conflicts between supporters of Romefeller and supporters of Treize deepen.
- OZ invades the Sanc Kingdom. Relena Peacecraft, who had inherited her father's ideals and rebuilt the Kingdom, receives support from many nations and becomes a target for OZ attack. Wing Zero Gundam and Gundam Epyon clash.
- OZ attacks the Sanc Kingdom and Relena turns herself over to the Romefeller Foundation. She is crowned "Queen of the World" and Romefeller uses her power to unite many nations under a peaceful ideal. The Earth is temporarily peaceful. The Five Gundam regather aboard the Peacemillion Battleship in space.
- The "White Fang" organization rises in rebellion in the colonies. Milliardo Peacecraft, previously known as Zechs Merquise, is appointed their leader. White Fang captures OZ's giant battleship Libra and declares war on Earth.
- Treize returns to power and relieves Relena of her position.
- The final battle between White Fang and Earth takes place. The Five Gundams join the battle to bring peace to the Earth and the Colonies. They destroy the Libra as it enters Earth's atmosphere. The war ends. Treize Kushrenada is killed in battle, and Zechs Merquise is listed as Missing in Action.
- The Earth's Sphere Unified Nation is established.

AC 196

- "Blind Target" takes place.
- Chang Wufei joins the Mariemaia forces.
- Relena Dorlian is reported missing on Colony X18999.
- Colony X18999 declares war on Earth. Mariemaia Kushrenada and Dekim Barton send their army to Earth as they launch the true "Operation Meteor".
- The Five Gundam pilots are called back into action to save the Earth, and Zechs Merquise reappears to help as well.
- Mariemaia takes Relena hostage in the Brussels Presidental Mansion. Zechs Merquise and Lucrezia Noin use their mobile suits to disarm as many enemy suits as possible.
- Duo, Quatre and Trowa use their Gundams to help Zechs and Noin.
- Wufei and Heero clash with Altron and Wing Zero.
- Heero uses Wing Zero to destroy the Presidental Mansion. Wufei goes to protect the people of the area from opposition forces.
- Mariemaia is shot by Dekim, and Dekim is shot by a rebel soldier.
- The Gundams are destroyed.
- Zechs and Noin leave for the Terra-Forming Project on Mars.
- Wufei joins the Preventors.
- Duo, Quatre and Trowa return to the colonies, and Relena takes her position as Vice Minister again.

The End... or is it?