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Junior Troop 173

Hello and welcome to the homepage for Junior Troop 173 of the Girl Scouts of Broward County!

Our troop consists of: Ravin * Karalee * Nicole * Jensyn * Caleigh * Kerri * Kathleen * Marisa * Katie * Brieanna * Maggie * Kelsey * Kaitlin * Kristen

Our Leader is Ms. Deanna and our Co-leaders are Ms. Gail and Ms. Celeste.

From the Leader:
Summer is here and we're off to a fantastic start with our Summer Funshine activities. We had a wonderful turnout for the Jungle Queen cruise of Fort Lauderdale. I hope you had as much fun as we did! We need to start thinking of what we want to do in July. I was thinking charter fishing. Any other suggestions? We also should be thinking about a service project for the summer. Until next month, keep enjoying your summer and I'll see you all soon!

Click here for photos of past events!

Upcoming Events not to Forget:

Websites for our troop to check out:

Girl Scouts of Broward County Homepage
Making Friends - fun crafts for girls of all ages
Girl Scouts U.S.A. Homepage
For Girls Only - games, quizzes, girl talk, etc.
Save the Manatee - home of our adopted manatee, Ariel
Fun for Kids at The White House
Broward County Library for Kids
National Geographic for Kids
Time for Kids
Yahooligans - The Webguide for Kids
