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**There are two kinds of people in this world...GREEKS and people who wish they are Greek!** S'agapo! Greeks are always the ones out on the dance floor goin wild at parties...we love food and dancing!! Bein Greek is the best thing in the world and to all the otha greeks at G.O.C. we brought the roof down at that party!! Kefi Dancers for life~ Some more greek friends from other communities: hey jacob, matthew, yianne, demitri, mark, kika, nikos, and every1 else you know who u are! if you want a personalized message or hey then email me! Have you noticed the most good lookin guys are always greek??

Me,Connie,and Eric during New Years!

this was taken at a new years party...we were the only teenagers there but we still had so much fun!!

~GrEeK GirLz~

the only two teen greek girls at the party! kakomede!!

JuSt LiKe SiStErs****

me and nicole hittin the dance floor all night!! the cuzins unite! haha