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The Goldfish Bowl

© The Goldfish Bowl is an almost registered copyright of Sarah Waite

It's a jingle for Goldfish
I wrote a song for Goldfish
The wholesome snack that smiles back until you bite her head off.
Didya know she's made with real cheese?
Even though she looks like Wendy
The snack that smiles back:

Hey there. Whats up? This is Goldie/Goldfish/Wendy/3/SarahLizzie/Altoid or whatever you want to call me. How have you been doing? Well I don't really care it just seemed the right thing to say. I'm in a band. Serendipity. I'm working on a site about it so check the links (below all this jibberjabber). TTYL PS The song above is my theme song..a revision of the Goldfish Crackers song. :)

This is my page. I made it all by my little self...aren't you proud?? This page was made using HTML and a huge help from Angelfire.

This page was last updated: 3/16/02

This site is about me and things that pertain to me. I'm working on it constantly so keep checking back!

My AOLIM SN is goldiegirl500. My email is




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