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The Marsh Family mourns all those who perished on Tuesday September 11, 2001, the passengers and pilots of the crashed flights, the workers and visitors in the World Trade Center, Pentagon, Pittsburgh Tragedies, and all the people in and around the attached areas. Our thoughts and our prayers are with you and your families.

Please keep all the victims in your prayers. May God Bless each and every American, and all of America's friendly neighbors and allies.

As a concerned citizen, you may be asking how you can help the victims of the recent disaster. The answer is simple: Please give to the American Red Cross.

Your donation will help thousands of people in a time of great need. American Red Cross resources are strained during emergencies of this magnitude.

American Flag

Though we all may be so different,
And have varied political views,
We all have the power to reason -
We each have a path to choose.

So little is ever resolved in life
By taking a violent stance.
Life would be so much better,
If we just gave peace a chance.

Please take a moment to say a prayer
For the families of those who perished.
So many innocent lives were lost,
Each of which was so cherished.

Also, please remember...
You can help in your own little way.
Visit your local hospital,
And donate some blood today.

Let's share a moment of silence,
And take a moment to pray.
Every single person, worldwide,
Will forever remember this day.


The Marsh Family is with you.
We won't forget you.
Shocked and incredibly sad,
The Marsh Family of Billerica, MA