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mvskok, muscogee, muskogee,creek( related languages: hitchi, I:laponathli, I:lapon, calusa, timicua ):
mvskok : english and or Deutsche
Estomen, adj. Why warum
Etoetkv, n. firewood
Oht-tetv, v. to send a letter
Cewvnhkete, are you thirsty
Ewvnhke, (adj. Thirsty)
Ettopetv, v. to singe, roast
Etovlke, n. forrest
Etohkvletv, v. to combine, to add in math.
Etoetkv, n. firewood
Estomen, adj. Why
Estv, which one
Estvn oketska ? where,which one do you want?
Este mocasv ,newcomer to the country
Estehopelkv, n. cematary
Estehopeuke, b. baby
Hololocce, iridenscent
Hisutv, (used by xx habe geschlecht)
Enhisetv, (xy habe geschlecht)
Hiskv ,coupling
Ohnontv , interest  (clonahleon?)
Mahyomecietv ,to intoxicate
Etekerrepicetv ,to introduce.
Nak-vketeckv, to examinen
Cvto ,iron, Fe
Mvt ok't os. Es war, er/sie that said that
Hottope hoklope, itchy
Cvsakpvt vnhottopes, m arm is itchy
Mv, it,es, sie, er, that on.
Fekce, intestines
Akhvse-rakko, (lake)
Momet mvto cekicis ce, (und ich bin Danke du/sie).
Nak onkan cvhayt vm ponayet okis, (er/sie spricht it mir as ob ich war nichts).

Wakkeprhanis, (I am going to bed)
Vpohetv , v. to ask, to request.
Iemvnvt te cetv ,to distract someone, v.
Vnoke cetv v. to love, lieben
Vlse ,embraced
Ecenokecvyet os. (ich liebe dich)
Vcvnetv , pour.
Takuecetv, to prop.
Vhockv, plant
Vhocetv, to plant
Rvfecetv, to plant, set out a plant.
Vhocv, planter, gyantwaka
Ahkopvnkv, to pla, on stage.
Tokkeketv, v. to kneel.
Tigetv, v. to ache.
Tofketv. V. to spit.
Cokv hecv, n. student
Cokle pakfv, n. slug
Naken oketska, what do you mean?
Naken oketska? Was, nehmen sie?
Vlekcv ,halles hayes, physician, okata
Uehose, sea
Senkvnhetv komat ome (s/he is probably trying to lure him/her with it.

Ue-cetto ,water snake, tiogensik
Ue-hetute, ice, n.
Ue-home, whiskey, etoh/H20
Tvstunvke, warrior
Tvwurakko, smooth, n
Eukvsvppe, cold water, n.
Vholoce, cloudy
Eulekhe, warm water.
Uehose, sea, n.
Ue hvserakko, lake.
Uehvtkv, ocean.
Vhonecetv, honecetv, v. to wake up.
Vlicecetv v. to start.
Vlekwe, decayd, adj. Infected sore.
Svletkea, s/he was driving very fast.
Ue-ho:me, distilled etoh, whisky
Ue-fih:ne ,rapids
Ue hose, sea
Calo, trout, n
Canv, anv, n. fly
Cakwelvketv, v. to wander um after (of two).
ue-hutku, ocean
ue hose sea
ue hetote, ice
ue fih:ne rapids
ue kv svppe, cold water
ue lekhe, n. warm water
uehomecate, wind?
Ue hutkv ocean
Ue hv seakko lake
Cakkuecetv, v. to reach
Cakossetv, v. to go out with someone.
..ayoposke avntotetskvres komisce, (ich hoffe dir sende mir ein reply?)
ohkayetv, to lay eggs.
Ohkosvpetv, v. to be eager for.
Ohkerretv. V. to know about, find out about.
Ohkve yetv, v. to move(one) closer
Ohkometv, v. to think upon.
Ohliketv-escullv, wheel chair.
Momen cem atutketv, hesaketv mese ohmerrekvs. (and my got bless your work.)
Puhocefkv cokvn ohsahtes, wir signed our names on the paper
Naken oketska? What do you mean?
Este-maskoke ennak-cokun okis. I mean the book in the muskogee language.
Naket oka? What is making that noise?
Cem omylkvset nvfkvccus , hit him/her with all your might.
Qmahusen cvkvt vhnokketowes , I have a     just   in a while.)?
Qmchocvn vloket owes, he/she comes in once in awhile.
Okcvn wecetv, v. to make salty.
Nakvccetv, n, quilt, blanket, cloths.
Nakvhakv, n. drawing
Nakvhayv, n. kunstler.
Nakvfvstetv, v. to take care of  things.
Naklokce, n fruit.
Naklokcicv, n. farmer.
Nakuce, n. little thing.
Nak sestem eleskv , one who is () those with things.
Nakvhocke, n. seeds for a garden, planted jardin.
Mocvnettv, n. heute
Mocvske, adj. Renew.
Miceskucolvke, meceskurolvke, ancestors
Mvmetv, to pick (cotton, grapes, berriies>)
Lacca, pumma, mtn lion,
Kafvnakv, n. earthworm.
Hvyopalecv, n. rose
Elet enhvsafkes (er/sie fuss is swelling.)
Neskv cuko homvn cehecares, I'll see you in front of the store.
Heno, maple
Heles hayv physician
Hekos ho. artzt
Heles hayv, n. artzt.
Hvtvm ceyacv? Do you want more?
Qmchocvn vloket owes, he/she comes in once in awhile.

Hvte vlvkekot os. Sie/er hat nicht kommt jetzt.

Hokvs ce , jetzt, ich bin ready
Qmchocvn vloket owes, he/she comes in once in awhile.
Svletkea, s/he was driving very fast.

 Hvswv, ehvswa, n. er penis
Hvswv hvrpo, n. foreskin
Enke enhv svfket os. Sie/er hand is swollen.
Hokloswv n. ein xx not yet married.
Hoktuce n. machen
Hoktarkv, n. adultry and prostitution.
Hokpecvnhv, hokpecunhv, n. xiphoid
Hoktvle, old (of an xx)
Vnhoktalat (the old xx)
Home, hab (in scent or taste.)
Hompetv, v. to eat
Fo hute, bee hive.
Vtokyehat te , lightning
Vtolpoke, wrapped around
Vtolayvhatte, electricity
Vtokehatte, car battery
Vwahe, adj. Scattered, dispersed.
Ecenokecvyet os. Ich liebe dich.
Kupe, kupe cufke (ash lye for making sofkey).
Kvpe lane, (lye soap MOH, )

Vce cvlvtwe, flint corn to make sofkey.
Rvro, fish
Rvro em, to fish
Rvro pvnkv, fish dance.
Rvronem aterccetv, to poison fish.
Hoktvkuce (madchenen)
Hokte mvnette, (young madchen)
Cewvnhkete? Durst du?
Monkv etusen vyehpit..(deshalb ich geht another weg.)

Etv pome, to be the same or closely related.
Eto etkv, n. fevertree, feverbaum.
Etvlwv, tribal town ground (, town in the physical sense.
Etovlke, n. wald, forrest
Etowakke, log (archiac)
Etohkaletv, v. combine(math) add.
Etorate, scalp pole. (trophy display)
Powvntake, our sisters.
Eraasohlickv, n backpack.
Setohhvlvtetv, zip up button up
Kvpvlkv, wristguard.
Wakkepvhanis, ich gehe nach bett.
Vwotkv, vomit
Catv vwotkv, vomiting blood.
Este enhechv semvnv cket os. Sie/er ist gute sehen.
Afvcke, happy, glad.
Tvstvnvke, tvstvnvkuce (hog nosed snake).
Fo encvmpe, honig, honey
Rolakkat, das mole? Or hole?
Eccaswv, echaswv, sootie, beaver.
Ue-tokse, bier, beer
Sem akwikv (to bait) for fish.
Sem vkerretv, to trick with
Espakkueckv, baking powder
Vsse yeholv, osseola
Yokkofke tvrakko, semFl.long shirt mit collar worn by seminolkve heles hayes (pic?)
Yvmahketv, v. to wipe out, waste crops, massacre leute.
Heckotvcov, n. birthcertificate.
Hericetv, v. to show
Hecelwv, n. popular
Hefecetv, v. to steam (food)
Akmorecetv, v. to boil. (tea,etc.)

Hece, tabak,tobak.
Hayowv, n. placenta
Hayowv fvkv, n. umbilical cord.
Tvlako tat here hayet os. (the beans are very good.
Akelecetv. V. to hide oneselfe in water or in a low place.
Akelecetv, v. to kill in water.
Akcvwetv, v. to dip up two or more (as in fish)
Aklopecetv, v. to battle(someone)to grow bitter.
Aklopetv, v. to bath, to swim.
Akmorecetv, v. to boil. (tea,etc.)
Setekcvncicetv, v. to mix two or more liquids
Sakmorecetv, v. to fry
Akkofetv . to scrap out.
Akhvyakpe, n. clearing in the woods.
Aknvrkvpv n. down in the middle of the stream.
Akhatkvn n. sycamore.
Akfuske ,fork of a river (archiac)
Akhottetv v. to shut, close(check spelling)
Akpelofv, n. marsh, marias, swamp, bottom land.
Aakossetv, v. to come out of water places or jail?
Akkorretv, v. to dig in water or a low place.
Akceyetv, v. to enter water with someone to take water.
Aklowuhe, may?
Akwiyetv, v. to hold, someone over water.
Em akwiyetv v. to catch fish.
Akwvke cetv. V. to by()down in water or low place.
Akvyetv v. to go into the woods with()
Ashvlvktv n. pulley
Cetv, cate n. blood.
Cetetv, v. to be red, to blush, to bleed.
Cetv celhe, n. blood clot.
Cakvretv v. to wander around after?(of one).
Wokko ,blowgun
Wotko, n. raccon
Wvcenv (wacina)n. white american.
Wvcenvke n. wht american from virginia.
Wvpakse, swollen with water, blotted, up diarhia.
Wonwoketv, v. to shiver?
Estonko, ca va
Yekce, stray dog.
Yumvsketv, n meekness mildness.
Mvt catet os. That one is red.
Yokkofketvcupko sem long sleeve. Kaketv, of two ,something made of cloth coiled rope.
Leskv, dish rag, n.
Lepakfe, slimy, mucus.
Lekwe, rotten decayed.
Yvpefikv, n. sheep or sleep?
 Yokule, eyokule, adj. Sick, not feeling well.
1-10 below:
Hvmken, hokkolen, tuccenen, osten, cahkepen, epaken, kolvpaken, cenvpaken, ostvpaken, palen
Cunfv maggot
Ecenoke cvyef os (ich liebe dich.
Cvsomiks (I got lost)
Cvpakke, angry mad
Welvnwv, excrement, feces.
Ekvn svhopakv, map.
Eelecetv suicide
Hiskv copulation, mating
Hvse ,sun
Tohottop lane, sulfur or suffer?
Cvmpe, sweet
Hvsvfketv, swell
Ewiketv, submit
Emaktv kane rakko, vkane rakko syphillis

Cvyayvkefv v. to silence someone
Cvyayvketv(check spelling)
Eccv fvkv, n. bow string.
Eccv, echv, n. gun.
Eccv enre, n. bullet.
Eccv hotakse en re ,arrow
Eco deer,
Eco ekvvhake, n. script.
Ecoecke, n. female deer.
Eco em pv kanuce, n. a type of plant.
Ecuse, n her/his younger sibling.
Eeleckv, n. sensitive plant
Ecokoyetv, to carry on ones back.
Cvwetv, v. to take (two or more.)
Ecohonvnwv n. buck
Eco hosaklv, n. deer in heat.
Ecohvrpe, n. deer hide.
Eccv fvkv, bowstring.

Mvyatmaketv v. to swing ones arms
Na-hvtke n. euroleuteperson.
Nakhvtke n. europerson.
Nakcokvmvhay v. teacher, missionary.
Nakuhake, n. picture, image.
Nakvfastv. N. caretaker.
Nakvhocke, seeds for garden.
Cuko rakko, n. ceremonial ground.
Yetohkvlketv v. to come and gather.
Monkv etusen vyehpit..therefore I went another way.
Etohtvretv , to crossbred to (things).
Etovlke, n. forrest or facet?
Etowalke, leg?
Nvcko-falowv, earwax
Hvsvfketv swell at joint, mumps? N.
Renakv, n. sight

Cewvnhkete (are you thirty?)
Fakke soil, dirt.
Eyacetv, v. to want, like, need
Fakv n. hunting
Fakke-coke dirt.
Fakke tvlaswv n. clay
Fakketvlaswe clay.
Nvcko-falowv, earwax
Hvsvfketv swell at joint, mumps? N.
Renakv, n. sight

Fayv, n. hunter.
Esfekrakhe cetv v. to make jealous with something.
Fettv, outdoors.
Cuko-yekcv enfettv, prison yard. Kofo yetv, v. to swish, shake up, churn.
Kerhoyvko…ich don’t know then.
Opunvkvkocoknuse (a short msg.)
Kake n. raven, koga
Hvsvfketv swell at joint, mumps? N.
Renakv, n. sight

Nvtecetv, v. to ()
Hvte cetv , to delay, put off, v.
Hvte mahvlke, the young people n.
Hvtvmmo mecvs ,do it again.
Hvtvm ceyacv? Do you want more?
Hvrvnrvcukwuce n. hummingbird.
Tvnrvcukwv n. hummingbird.
Rakoosuce hummindbird. Fl.

Kowakkuce, n. wildcat, bobcat.
Kvnrvpuce, anole?
Kvnhvlwe, hill, yama
Kvnhvlwerakko, mountain (check spelling)
Kolowv, n. give,
Hontetv, v. to sprout grow.
Horkopka ,theft.
Horre war enhorre (her/his enemy)
Horre arr. N. man taking part in a war party.
Hoyv net.
Hvlpvtv, alligator.
Vlpvtv ,alligator.
Hvfavatehkv, leggins
Horrerakko ,civil war, zivil krieg, guere
Renakv, n. sight
Mv tawv ,that’s probably it.
Rvfokse, slender.
Ronoto, flint (spark, fire science preparation source)
Sufv, sky. N
Tafvmpervhake, garlic
Takuecetv, v. to prepare, make ready.
Toraplvste, charcoal
Ta fvmpe, onion.
Resroyetu, pencil.
Oyapetv, v. to pillow the head.
Otvketv, to hug, to embrace. V.
Oye, widower.
Pakpvketv, v. to bloom.
Pakpukuce, to flower. N.
Pakpvkuece, foamy, frothy.
Paksunke, vapk, sunke, gestern.
Perruce, canoe.
Perro em vwvnaku, dock. N.
Pohke (able to be heard or smelled).
Porwv, seed saved for planting.
Potokpoyetv, to not. V.
Pvfne, adj. Fast quick.
Svcvwosk hakette os, ive gotten used to it.
Svwosket owes (s/he is always barking ().
mvskok, muscogee, muskogee,creek( related languages: hitchi, I:laponathli, I:lapon, calusa, timicua ):
mvskok : english and or Deutsche
Estomen, adj. Why warum
Etoetkv, n. firewood
Oht-tetv, v. to send a letter
Cewvnhkete, are you thirsty
Ewvnhke, (adj. Thirsty)
Ettopetv, v. to singe, roast
Etovlke, n. forrest
Etohkvletv, v. to combine, to add in math.
Etoetkv, n. firewood
Estomen, adj. Why
Estv, which one
Estvn oketska ? where,which one do you want?
Este mocasv ,newcomer to the country
Estehopelkv, n. cematary
Estehopeuke, b. baby
Hololocce, iridenscent
Hisutv, (used by xx habe geschlecht)
Enhisetv, (xy habe geschlecht)
Hiskv ,coupling
Ohnontv , interest  (clonahleon?)
Mahyomecietv ,to intoxicate
Etekerrepicetv ,to introduce.
Nak-vketeckv, to examinen
Cvto ,iron, Fe
Mvt ok't os. Es war, er/sie that said that
Hottope hoklope, itchy
Cvsakpvt vnhottopes, m arm is itchy
Mv, it,es, sie, er, that on.
Fekce, intestines
Akhvse-rakko, (lake)
Momet mvto cekicis ce, (und ich bin Danke du/sie).
Nak onkan cvhayt vm ponayet okis, (er/sie spricht it mir as ob ich war nichts).

Wakkeprhanis, (I am going to bed)
Vpohetv , v. to ask, to request.
Iemvnvt te cetv ,to distract someone, v.
Vnoke cetv v. to love, lieben
Vlse ,embraced
Ecenokecvyet os. (ich liebe dich)
Vcvnetv , pour.
Takuecetv, to prop.
Vhockv, plant
Vhocetv, to plant
Rvfecetv, to plant, set out a plant.
Vhocv, planter, gyantwaka
Ahkopvnkv, to pla, on stage.
Tokkeketv, v. to kneel.
Tigetv, v. to ache.
Tofketv. V. to spit.
Cokv hecv, n. student
Cokle pakfv, n. slug
Naken oketska, what do you mean?
Naken oketska? Was, nehmen sie?
Vlekcv ,halles hayes, physician, okata
Uehose, sea
Senkvnhetv komat ome (s/he is probably trying to lure him/her with it.

Ue-cetto ,water snake, tiogensik
Ue-hetute, ice, n.
Ue-home, whiskey, etoh/H20
Tvstunvke, warrior
Tvwurakko, smooth, n
Eukvsvppe, cold water, n.
Vholoce, cloudy
Eulekhe, warm water.
Uehose, sea, n.
Ue hvserakko, lake.
Uehvtkv, ocean.
Vhonecetv, honecetv, v. to wake up.
Vlicecetv v. to start.
Vlekwe, decayd, adj. Infected sore.
Svletkea, s/he was driving very fast.
Ue-ho:me, distilled etoh, whisky
Ue-fih:ne ,rapids
Ue hose, sea
Calo, trout, n
Canv, anv, n. fly
Cakwelvketv, v. to wander um after (of two).
ue-hutku, ocean
ue hose sea
ue hetote, ice
ue fih:ne rapids
ue kv svppe, cold water
ue lekhe, n. warm water
uehomecate, wind?
Ue hutkv ocean
Ue hv seakko lake
Cakkuecetv, v. to reach
Cakossetv, v. to go out with someone.
..ayoposke avntotetskvres komisce, (ich hoffe dir sende mir ein reply?)
ohkayetv, to lay eggs.
Ohkosvpetv, v. to be eager for.
Ohkerretv. V. to know about, find out about.
Ohkve yetv, v. to move(one) closer
Ohkometv, v. to think upon.
Ohliketv-escullv, wheel chair.
Momen cem atutketv, hesaketv mese ohmerrekvs. (and my got bless your work.)
Puhocefkv cokvn ohsahtes, wir signed our names on the paper
Naken oketska? What do you mean?
Este-maskoke ennak-cokun okis. I mean the book in the muskogee language.
Naket oka? What is making that noise?
Cem omylkvset nvfkvccus , hit him/her with all your might.
Qmahusen cvkvt vhnokketowes , I have a     just   in a while.)?
Qmchocvn vloket owes, he/she comes in once in awhile.
Okcvn wecetv, v. to make salty.
Nakvccetv, n, quilt, blanket, cloths.
Nakvhakv, n. drawing
Nakvhayv, n. kunstler.
Nakvfvstetv, v. to take care of  things.
Naklokce, n fruit.
Naklokcicv, n. farmer.
Nakuce, n. little thing.
Nak sestem eleskv , one who is () those with things.
Nakvhocke, n. seeds for a garden, planted jardin.
Mocvnettv, n. heute
Mocvske, adj. Renew.
Miceskucolvke, meceskurolvke, ancestors
Mvmetv, to pick (cotton, grapes, berriies>)
Lacca, pumma, mtn lion,
Kafvnakv, n. earthworm.
Hvyopalecv, n. rose
Elet enhvsafkes (er/sie fuss is swelling.)
Neskv cuko homvn cehecares, I'll see you in front of the store.
Heno, maple
Heles hayv physician
Hekos ho. artzt
Heles hayv, n. artzt.
Hvtvm ceyacv? Do you want more?
Qmchocvn vloket owes, he/she comes in once in awhile.

Hvte vlvkekot os. Sie/er hat nicht kommt jetzt.

Hokvs ce , jetzt, ich bin ready
Qmchocvn vloket owes, he/she comes in once in awhile.
Svletkea, s/he was driving very fast.

 Hvswv, ehvswa, n. er penis
Hvswv hvrpo, n. foreskin
Enke enhv svfket os. Sie/er hand is swollen.
Hokloswv n. ein xx not yet married.
Hoktuce n. machen
Hoktarkv, n. adultry and prostitution.
Hokpecvnhv, hokpecunhv, n. xiphoid
Hoktvle, old (of an xx)
Vnhoktalat (the old xx)
Home, hab (in scent or taste.)
Hompetv, v. to eat
Fo hute, bee hive.
Vtokyehat te , lightning
Vtolpoke, wrapped around
Vtolayvhatte, electricity
Vtokehatte, car battery
Vwahe, adj. Scattered, dispersed.
Ecenokecvyet os. Ich liebe dich.
Kupe, kupe cufke (ash lye for making sofkey).
Kvpe lane, (lye soap MOH, )

Vce cvlvtwe, flint corn to make sofkey.
Rvro, fish
Rvro em, to fish
Rvro pvnkv, fish dance.
Rvronem aterccetv, to poison fish.
Hoktvkuce (madchenen)
Hokte mvnette, (young madchen)
Cewvnhkete? Durst du?
Monkv etusen vyehpit..(deshalb ich geht another weg.)

Etv pome, to be the same or closely related.
Eto etkv, n. fevertree, feverbaum.
Etvlwv, tribal town ground (, town in the physical sense.
Etovlke, n. wald, forrest
Etowakke, log (archiac)
Etohkaletv, v. combine(math) add.
Etorate, scalp pole. (trophy display)
Powvntake, our sisters.
Eraasohlickv, n backpack.
Setohhvlvtetv, zip up button up
Kvpvlkv, wristguard.
Wakkepvhanis, ich gehe nach bett.
Vwotkv, vomit
Catv vwotkv, vomiting blood.
Este enhechv semvnv cket os. Sie/er ist gute sehen.
Afvcke, happy, glad.
Tvstvnvke, tvstvnvkuce (hog nosed snake).
Fo encvmpe, honig, honey
Rolakkat, das mole? Or hole?
Eccaswv, echaswv, sootie, beaver.
Ue-tokse, bier, beer
Sem akwikv (to bait) for fish.
Sem vkerretv, to trick with
Espakkueckv, baking powder
Vsse yeholv, osseola
Yokkofke tvrakko, semFl.long shirt mit collar worn by seminolkve heles hayes (pic?)
Yvmahketv, v. to wipe out, waste crops, massacre leute.
Heckotvcov, n. birthcertificate.
Hericetv, v. to show
Hecelwv, n. popular
Hefecetv, v. to steam (food)
Akmorecetv, v. to boil. (tea,etc.)

Hece, tabak,tobak.
Hayowv, n. placenta
Hayowv fvkv, n. umbilical cord.
Tvlako tat here hayet os. (the beans are very good.
Akelecetv. V. to hide oneselfe in water or in a low place.
Akelecetv, v. to kill in water.
Akcvwetv, v. to dip up two or more (as in fish)
Aklopecetv, v. to battle(someone)to grow bitter.
Aklopetv, v. to bath, to swim.
Akmorecetv, v. to boil. (tea,etc.)
Setekcvncicetv, v. to mix two or more liquids
Sakmorecetv, v. to fry
Akkofetv . to scrap out.
Akhvyakpe, n. clearing in the woods.
Aknvrkvpv n. down in the middle of the stream.
Akhatkvn n. sycamore.
Akfuske ,fork of a river (archiac)
Akhottetv v. to shut, close(check spelling)
Akpelofv, n. marsh, marias, swamp, bottom land.
Aakossetv, v. to come out of water places or jail?
Akkorretv, v. to dig in water or a low place.
Akceyetv, v. to enter water with someone to take water.
Aklowuhe, may?
Akwiyetv, v. to hold, someone over water.
Em akwiyetv v. to catch fish.
Akwvke cetv. V. to by()down in water or low place.
Akvyetv v. to go into the woods with()
Ashvlvktv n. pulley
Cetv, cate n. blood.
Cetetv, v. to be red, to blush, to bleed.
Cetv celhe, n. blood clot.
Cakvretv v. to wander around after?(of one).
Wokko ,blowgun
Wotko, n. raccon
Wvcenv (wacina)n. white american.
Wvcenvke n. wht american from virginia.
Wvpakse, swollen with water, blotted, up diarhia.
Wonwoketv, v. to shiver?
Estonko, ca va
Yekce, stray dog.
Yumvsketv, n meekness mildness.
Mvt catet os. That one is red.
Yokkofketvcupko sem long sleeve. Kaketv, of two ,something made of cloth coiled rope.
Leskv, dish rag, n.
Lepakfe, slimy, mucus.
Lekwe, rotten decayed.
Yvpefikv, n. sheep or sleep?
 Yokule, eyokule, adj. Sick, not feeling well.
1-10 below:
Hvmken, hokkolen, tuccenen, osten, cahkepen, epaken, kolvpaken, cenvpaken, ostvpaken, palen
Cunfv maggot
Ecenoke cvyef os (ich liebe dich.
Cvsomiks (I got lost)
Cvpakke, angry mad
Welvnwv, excrement, feces.
Ekvn svhopakv, map.
Eelecetv suicide
Hiskv copulation, mating
Hvse ,sun
Tohottop lane, sulfur or suffer?
Cvmpe, sweet
Hvsvfketv, swell
Ewiketv, submit
Emaktv kane rakko, vkane rakko syphillis

Cvyayvkefv v. to silence someone
Cvyayvketv(check spelling)
Eccv fvkv, n. bow string.
Eccv, echv, n. gun.
Eccv enre, n. bullet.
Eccv hotakse en re ,arrow
Eco deer,
Eco ekvvhake, n. script.
Ecoecke, n. female deer.
Eco em pv kanuce, n. a type of plant.
Ecuse, n her/his younger sibling.
Eeleckv, n. sensitive plant
Ecokoyetv, to carry on ones back.
Cvwetv, v. to take (two or more.)
Ecohonvnwv n. buck
Eco hosaklv, n. deer in heat.
Ecohvrpe, n. deer hide.
Eccv fvkv, bowstring.

Mvyatmaketv v. to swing ones arms
Na-hvtke n. euroleuteperson.
Nakhvtke n. europerson.
Nakcokvmvhay v. teacher, missionary.
Nakuhake, n. picture, image.
Nakvfastv. N. caretaker.
Nakvhocke, seeds for garden.
Cuko rakko, n. ceremonial ground.
Yetohkvlketv v. to come and gather.
Monkv etusen vyehpit..therefore I went another way.
Etohtvretv , to crossbred to (things).
Etovlke, n. forrest or facet?
Etowalke, leg?
Nvcko-falowv, earwax
Hvsvfketv swell at joint, mumps? N.
Renakv, n. sight

Cewvnhkete (are you thirty?)
Fakke soil, dirt.
Eyacetv, v. to want, like, need
Fakv n. hunting
Fakke-coke dirt.
Fakke tvlaswv n. clay
Fakketvlaswe clay.
Nvcko-falowv, earwax
Hvsvfketv swell at joint, mumps? N.
Renakv, n. sight

Fayv, n. hunter.
Esfekrakhe cetv v. to make jealous with something.
Fettv, outdoors.
Cuko-yekcv enfettv, prison yard. Kofo yetv, v. to swish, shake up, churn.
Kerhoyvko…ich don’t know then.
Opunvkvkocoknuse (a short msg.)
Kake n. raven, koga
Hvsvfketv swell at joint, mumps? N.
Renakv, n. sight

Nvtecetv, v. to ()
Hvte cetv , to delay, put off, v.
Hvte mahvlke, the young people n.
Hvtvmmo mecvs ,do it again.
Hvtvm ceyacv? Do you want more?
Hvrvnrvcukwuce n. hummingbird.
Tvnrvcukwv n. hummingbird.
Rakoosuce hummindbird. Fl.

Kowakkuce, n. wildcat, bobcat.
Kvnrvpuce, anole?
Kvnhvlwe, hill, yama
Kvnhvlwerakko, mountain (check spelling)
Kolowv, n. give,
Hontetv, v. to sprout grow.
Horkopka ,theft.
Horre war enhorre (her/his enemy)
Horre arr. N. man taking part in a war party.
Hoyv net.
Hvlpvtv, alligator.
Vlpvtv ,alligator.
Hvfavatehkv, leggins
Horrerakko ,civil war, zivil krieg, guere
Renakv, n. sight
Mv tawv ,that’s probably it.
Rvfokse, slender.
Ronoto, flint (spark, fire science preparation source)
Sufv, sky. N
Tafvmpervhake, garlic
Takuecetv, v. to prepare, make ready.
Toraplvste, charcoal
Ta fvmpe, onion.
Resroyetu, pencil.
Oyapetv, v. to pillow the head.
Otvketv, to hug, to embrace. V.
Oye, widower.
Pakpvketv, v. to bloom.
Pakpukuce, to flower. N.
Pakpvkuece, foamy, frothy.
Paksunke, vapk, sunke, gestern.
Perruce, canoe.
Perro em vwvnaku, dock. N.
Pohke (able to be heard or smelled).
Porwv, seed saved for planting.
Potokpoyetv, to not. V.
Pvfne, adj. Fast quick.
Svcvwosk hakette os, ive gotten used to it.
Svwosket owes (s/he is always barking ().