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seminole language muskogee(creek),huron, mohawk, english, german phrases

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Mohawk,Tsaligi(cheroke),Huron-Wendat phrases with english definitions,translations free
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Wendat-Huron Spoken Language Example
Muskok,Huron,Mohawk,Vietnamese,Welsh,language phrases
Creek (muskok, muscogee) dictionary,polygot creek-english-german
Muskok Dictionary Lexicon,Slow loading, Huron sentences, english, Corporation Politics of U.S.A.

The following text, is from various books written by Joseph Richard Thurlow, and the following phrases and words are for educational purposes
Seminole language words followed by Muskok, Huron-Wendat, Mohawk

Si, arts, jay (siartsjay) I want
Annee (I)
To,yits,kist (you are)
To yits (he is)
E-mee (he)
A-wo-ler (near)
Motz-en-etar (heute, today)
Pok, sei (morgen, )
Un,car (yes, ya, ja)
Hick,ast,chee (no,nein,)
Ya,hai,kee,toh (singen, to sing)
O,pan,kee,tah(tanzen, to dance)
E,leech,ee,tah (to kill)
Hiepus (go, geh)
Hiepa,larnis,jay (guten abend, good night)

Eeye (foot)
Cha aye (*my feet)
Cheeye (your feet)
Pooye (our feet)
Effe (dog)
Am eefe (my dog)
Chim eefe (your dog)
Pom eefe (our dog)
Eefe-che (puppy)

Assin,ye,o,la! (the black drink, tea from illex vomica, it has caffine in it, a stimulant and it makes you vomit, it is a ritual drink, somewhat different than the peyote of the navajo or maybe not?
Native Tobak,tabacco peace pipes are also a heightened and change awareness ritual. Some cultures burn incense smoke to symbolize ritual events.

Hai,ee (hot)
Ka,sp ppee (cold, kalt)
Hol,war,gis (schlecht, bad)
Llintz-kay, Good, gute

Lah,nee (yellow)
Ok,ho,lah-tee (blue, blau)
Tsah-tee (red,rot)
Lus-tee (black, schwarz)
Hat,kee (white, weisse)

Thla-thlo Fish, fisch
Tsa-na (fly)


Lok-ts-sum-pa (oak)
Choo-lee (pine)
E-to (tree, Baum)

Na-co-nee (man, Mann)
Fo-kee-shee-ca (shirt)
o-ho-nee(dress, rock)
Foksikpayahki (plain shirt)

o-shy-nee (otter)
ee-cho (deer)
o-ba-ho-she (wolf)
coo-on-o-she (wildcat)
coo-wah-choibee (big cat)
coo-ot-cho-hee (panther, panzer

tuck-lai-kee (bread) brot
ab-bas-wah (brot)
cvhoketv (pronounced cahoketa)verb, to gobble up.

Cvfeknicetv verb,(to heal)

Pronounced "cafekniceta"

Sokkoskv (soap)seminole
Kvpe (ashes for cooking) seminole
Esropottv (needle) florida seminole
Cufonwv (needle)seminole oklahoma

Cakuce (w.c. toilet)
Cvtokolka (coal)
Culokcowa, n. grease.
Cusselane (smoked buckskine)

Chat-to-ko-na-wah-lah-nee (cu)copper

e-kah-hol pes (scalp)
nut-tee (tooth)
hats,ka,wab (leg)

cvkotakse (bow)
cvlakke (tsalagi, cheroke)
cvflecetv ( drip)

muskok, muscogee, creek langauge examples seminole people also understand this commerce language.

Pohis ,(Ich horte es (I heard it))
Poh Ecka (did you hear it?)
Loketos (he ate it up.)
Lokvketos (they ate it up)
Pakvnvn tohvhvwvn vpakvs (put the the peach in the box)

Pakvnvn tohvhvwvn vtekvs (put the (bunch of)peaches into the box.

Vcetvn vtekvs (put the blanket away)
Hompetv hiye(t) yacetos (she likes to cook.)

Can vewan seseht estetos (john took the water and he is drinking it.)

Vnwiken esiyunks (when he threw it to me, I caught it.)

Emv,han,is (I will give it to them.)

Vhakv (the law)

Vhaku-hayu( police, polizei seminole)

Cokv (book)

Em vnvtte (unable)

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ==================================================== THE WYANDOTT - HURON LANGUAGE

One - Scat
Two - Tin,dee
Three - Shaight
Five - Wee,ish
Six - Wa,shaw
Seven - Soo,ta,re
Eight - Ace,tarai
Nine - Ain,tru
Ten - Augh,sagh

20 = ten,deit,a,waught,sa

30 = shaight,ka,waugh,
40 = an,dagh,ka,waugh,sa
50 = wee,ish,awaugh,sa
60 = waw,shaw,wagh,sa
70 = soo,ta,re,waugh,sa
80 = au,tarai,waugh,sa
90 = ain,tru,waugh,sa
100= scu,te,main,gar,we

Ta,main,de,zue, The great God or good Spirit- TA,MAIN,DE,ZUE
Ye,waugh,st = Gute = GOOD - YE,WAUGH,STE Waugh,she = schlecht = BAD - WAUGH,SHE
Deghsee,re,noh = kobold =BAD SPIRIT - DEGHSEE,RE,NOH
Ya,roh,nia = Himmel = heaven = vallhalla - YA,ROH,NIA
ya,andes,hra = sun
Tegh,she = Stern- TEGH,SHE
cagh,ronnia,ate = sky
Oght,se,rah = nebel = clouds
ira,quas = wind
ina,un,duss,se = es regnet =it rain
heno = thunder
tim,mendi,quas = lightning
umait,sagh = earth = ekuna
ough,scan,oto = deer
anu,e = bear = bern
ha,in,te,roh = racoon
th,na,in,ton,to = fox
soo,taie = beaver BEAVER - SOO,TAIE
so,hoh,main,dia = mink = MINK - SO,HOH,MAIN,DIA
daigh,ton,tah = turkey= TURKEY - DAIGH,TON,TAH
ogh,ta,eh = squirrel =SQUIRREL -OGH,TA,EH
ta,wen,deh = otter = OTTER - TA,WEN,DEH
yunb,ye,nah = dog = hund = DOG - YUNB,YE,NAH
kin,ton,squa,ront= waca = vacca = cow = COW - KIN,TON,SQUA,RONT
ugh,shut,te = horse = pferd = HORSE - UGH,SHUT,TE, or man carrier
yah,hounk, goose = GOOSE - YAH,HOUNK
yu,in,geh = duck = DUCK - YU,IN,GEH
air,ga,hon= man = MAN - AIR,GA,HON
utch,ke = women, frau, fraulein, =WOMAN - UTCH,KE
ya,weet,sen,tho = girl, = madchen = GIRL - YA,WEET,SEN,THO

oma,int,sent,e,hah = boy, knabe, = BOY - OMA,INT,SENT,E,HAH

che,ah,ha = child, kid, CHILD - CHE,AH,HA

ha,o,tong = old man xy = OLD MAN - HA,O,TONG

ut,sindag,sa = old woman, onna = OLD WOMAN - UT,SINDAG,SA

azut,tun,oh,oh = mein frau = my wife = MY WIFE - AZUT,TUN,OH,OH

nay,hah = corn, CORN - NAY,HAH

yah,re,sah = beans (legumes) BEANS - YAH,RE,SAH
da,ween,dah = batata = potatoes = kartoffel =POTATOES - DA,WEEN,DAH
o,nugh,sa = melons, pumpkins,MELLONS OR PUMPKINS - O,NUGH,SA

e,ru,ta = grass, (fiber ) GRASS - E,RU,TA
ha,en,tan = weeds , WEEDS - HA,EN,TAN

ye,aron,ta = trees, baumen, TREES - YE,ARON,TA
o,tagh,ta = wood, WOOD - O,TAGH,TA

ye,anogh,sha = house =- haus ,HOUSE - YE,ANOGH,SH

who,ra,min,ta = gun, firearm, flinklock (?) GUN - WHO,RA,MIN,TA
tegh,sta = powder (black powder) ,POWDER -T'EGH,STA
ye,at,ara = lead (Pb)(bullet) ,LEAD - YE,AT,ARA
ta,wegh,ske,ra = flints (for musket spark black powder)FLINTS - TA,WEGH,SKE,RA

we,ne,ash,ra = knife, KNIFE - WE,NE,ASH,RA
otto,ya,ye = axe, AXE - OTTO,YA,YE

deengh,tat,sea = blanket (warm cover also clothing like coat.) BLANKET - DEENGH,TAT,SEA

ya,yan,e,tith = kettle, KETTLE - YA,YAN,E,TITH

we,at,se,wie = rum, RUM - WE,AT,SE,WIE

ye,an,da,wa = river, RIVER - YE,AN,DA,WA
da,ta,rah,= bread = brot, =BREAD -DA,TA,RAH
sogh,ques,tut = dollar , DOLLAR - SOGH,QUES,TUT
ca,tu,reesh = shirt, SHIRT - CA,TU,REESH
ya,ree = leggings (chaps, pants) LEGGINGS - YA,REE
te,ques,ti,egh,tas,ta, = bell, BELL - TE,QUES,TI,EGH,TAS,TA

quagh,she,ta = saddle, SADDLE - QUAGH,SHE,TA
cong,shu,ree = briddle, BRIDLE - CONG,SHU,REE

see,ta, = fire, FIRE - SEE,TA

ta,ish,rah, = flour, FLOUR - TA,ISH,RAH

quis,quesh = pig, hog, HOG - QUIS,QUESH

ye,a,nogh,shu,wan,a = big house, big long house BIG HOUSE - YE,A,NOGH,SHU,WAN,A

ya,yan,quagh,ke = corn field, CORN FIELD - YA,YAN,QUAGH,KE

se,he,ash,i,ya,hah =musk rat, MUSK RAT - SE,HE,ASH,I,YA,HAH
dush,rat = cat, CAT - DUSH,RAT
skaink,qua,hagh = wild cat, WILD CAT - SKAINK,QUA,HAGH
ca,in,dia,he,nugh,qua, = mole, MOLE - CA,IN,DIA,HE,NUGH,QUA
to,en,gen,seek, = snake, SNAKE - TO,EN,GEN,SEEK
sun,day,wa,shu,ka, = frog, FROG - SUN,DAY,WA,SHU,KA

tu,hugh,car,o,no = franzosich leute, French person = tuhughcarono
qu,han,stro,no = englischer, english person = quhanstrono
sa,ray,u,migh = wvcina, corporate american = corporate colonial invaders = sarayumigh

ha,en,ye,ha, = mir bruder = haenyeha, MY BROTHER - HA,EN,YE,HA
a,en,ya,ha, = mir schwester = aenyaha, MY SISTER - A,EN,YA,HA
ha,yes,ta = father, vater, FATHER - HA,YES,TA
ane,heh = mutter, mother, aneheh, MOTHER - ANE,HEH
shat,wu,ra = sick, krank, ill, shatwura, SICK - SHAT,WU,RA

su,we,regh,he, = well, gute, suwereghhe, WELL - SU,WE,REGH,HE

ture,a = cold = kalt, turea, COLD - TURE,A

ote,re,a,ute, =warm, otereaute,WARM - OTE,RE,A,UTE
de,neh,ta, = snow, schnee, SNOW - DE,NEH,TA
deesh,ra, = ice, deeshra, ICE - DEESH,RA
sa,un,dus,tee, = water, wasser, eau, aqua, saundustee, WATER - SA,UN,DUS,TEE,SANDUSKY,THeBAY, RIVER AND COUNTY OF THAT NAME
ne,at,a,rugh, = friend, freund, neatarugh, FRIEND - NE,AT,A,RUGH

ne,mat,re,zue, = enemy, foe, nematrezue, ENEMY - NE,MAT,RE,ZUE
tre,zue, war, krieg, trezue, WAR - TRE,ZUE
scan,o,nie, =peace, scanonie, PEACE - SCAN,O,NIE

scan,dai,ye = are you married?scandaiye, SCAN,DAI,YE
I AM NOT MARRIED YET - AUGH,SOGH,A,SANTE,TE,SANDAI,GE. augh,sogh,a,sante,te,sandai,ge, = I am not married yet
. owa,he, come here, komm hier, owahe. COME HERE - OWA,HE

sa,cati,arin,ga, = go away, gehen Sie aus, sacatiaringa,. GO AWAY - SA,CATI,ARIN,GA

ska,in,gen,tagh,qua, = you bother me, you bug me, you irritate me, skaingentaghqua. YOU TROUBLE ME - SKA,IN,GEN,TAGH,QUA

I,agh,ka,ron,se, = I fear, I am afraid, I am worried, Ich habe Angst, iaghkaronse. I AM AFRAID - I,AGH,KA,RON,SE

yu,now,moi,e = ich liebe dich, yunowmoie. I LOVE YOU - YU,NOW,MOI,E

yung,squa,his, ich hass du, i hate you, yungsquahis. I HATE YOU - YUNG,SQUA,HIS
a,yagh,kee, = I go to war, ich gehe nach krieg, ayaghkee. I GO TO WAR - A,YAGH,KEE
eno,moigh,an,dogh,sken,onie, = I love peace, enomoighandoghskenonie. I LOVE PEACE - ENO,MOIGH,AN,DOGH,SKEN,ONIE.
away,tee,ken,ovie, = i love all people, awayteekenovie. I LOVE ALL MEN - AWAY,TEE,KEN,OVIE
o,negh,e,ke,wishe,noo, = i conquered my foe (enemy.) I HAVE CONQUERED MY ENEMY - O,NEGH,E,KE,WISHE,NOO
icar,tri,zue,egh,har,taken,ome,enu,mah, = i do not like corporation representatives (people, also called white men.) icartrizueeghhartakenomeenumah (corporation servants or tyrants.)
I don't like white men - Icartrizueeghhartakenomeenumah R I,om,when, = first nations people, iomwhen. Indians - I,OM,WHEN.
ahon,e,see, = african americans (by skin, hair appearence.) ahonessee Negro - AHON,E,SEE.,ahonesee
yan,dah,squa, = prisoner, yandahsqua. Prisoner - YAN,DAH,SQUA.
run,neh,squa,hoon, = er ist dieb, runnehsquahoon. He is a thief - RUN,NEH,SQUA,HOON.

room,wae,ta,wagh,stee, = er ist gutemann, roomwaetawaghstee. Good man - ROOM,WAE,TA,WAGH,STEE.

ye,ent,so, =fisch= fish, yeentso, Fish - YE,ENT,SO.
at,su,meghst, = plums, atsumeghst, Plums - At,su,meghst.
sow,se,wat, = apfel, apples, sowsewat. Apples - Sow,se,wat.
ya,heeghk, = obst, fruit, yaheeghk, Fruit - Ya,heeghk. se,ke,ta, = suger, honey, sugars, Sugar seketa, - Se,ke,ta. se,ke,ta, = honig, Honey - Se,ke,ta.
anu,magh,ke,he,one,salz, salt, Salt Anu,magh,ke,he,one, (or the white people's sugar)
argh,see, = brog, moccasin, (mokkasun, algonkMoccasin - Argh,shee.
tu,ough,qua,no, u, = ca va, wie geht's, how are you? how do you do? tuoughquanou. How do you do - Tu,ough,qua,no,u.
iyeetsatigh, = es tut mir leid, dewey booshi, I'm sorry, i,ye,et,sa,tigh.
I am sorry - I,ye,et,sa,tigh.

yatoreghshasta, yat,o,regh,shas,ta = ich habe hunger, je faime, i'm hungry. I am hungry - Yat,o,regh,shas,ta.
e,sagh,ta,hah, esaghtahah, = you will be filled. You will be filled - E,sagh,ta,hah.
e,hye,ha,honz, ehyehahonz, ehiehahonz, = i'm dying. I am dying - E,hye,ha,honz.
ho,ma,yen,de,zuit,et,et,rang, homayendezuitetetrang, = spirit(s) I beg your pardon, forgive me. God forgive me - Ho,ma,yen,de,zuit,et,et,rang.
qus,quas,run,dee, qusquasrundee = falling timber on river place. Auglaize river - Qus,quas,run,dee, or the falling timber on the river.
quegh,tu,wa, or claws in the water., queghtuwa. Blanchard's fork of the Auglaize - Quegh,tu,wa, or claws in the water.
Sa,un,dus,tee, or water within water-pools., saundustee, Sandusky - Sa,un,dus,tee, or water within water-pools.
da,righ,quay,a town or place of residence. darighquay, Muskingum - Da,righ,quay,a town or place of residence.
Ya,sha,hia, or the place at the wing., yashahia, Cayuhoga - Ya,sha,hia, or the place at the wing.
Cagh,a,ren,du,te, or standing rock at the head of the rapids of this river. , cagharendute, Miami of the lake - Cagh,a,ren,du,te, or standing rock at the head of the rapids of this river. The French Roche de Boef named the river the standing rock river, weil es gibt, ein large rock in the middle of the river which looked like a house.
Yung,ta,rez,ue, yungtarezue, the ocean, the sea (the sea of salt water.) The sea of salt water - Yung,ta,rez,ue.

Yung,ta,rah, yungtarah, the lakes, the great lakes (as big as oceans; but fresh water which freezes.) The lakes - Yung,ta,rah.
yon,do,tin, or the great town. Detroit - Yon,do,tin, or the great town.
Tu,enda,wie,or the junction of two rivers. Defiance, now the county seat of Defiance county, at the junction of the Auglaize and Miami of the lake - Tu,enda,wie,or the junction of two rivers.
After defeating the Indians in 1794, Gen. Wayne, on his return, built Fort Defiance, thereby proclaiming defiance to the enemy.
tat,a,ra,ra, or leaning bank.

Chillicothe town - Tat,a,ra,ra, or leaning bank. Chillicothe is the Shawanese and is the name of one of their tribes.
O,he,zuh,ye,an,da,wa, = something great, ohzuhyeandawa. Ohio river - O,he,zuh,ye,an,da,wa, or something great.
yan,da,we,zue, or great the river. Mississippi - Yan,da,we,zue, or great the river.

scioto, Sci,o,to was named by the Wyandotts (huron, petun, etc.), who formerly resided upon the land. A large town was at Columbus, having their Cornfileds on the bottom grounds opposite that city. Wyandotts pronounce the word Sci,on,to, signification unknown.

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< Gyantwaka, je chereche, ich studiere der Kainarekowa ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Hi consider giving your ideas or thoughts here thanks chao, domo, Tak takk, xie xie, merci, danke, Nya Weh...Kainarekowa.
We can find ways to prevent harming individuals which in turn can prevent the usual retaliations which adversely yaw commerce and other human relationships and at best open up a court system of law to find solutions to bypass retaliations; but have we equal access to legal institutions?

Have we as individuals equal economic resources to war with billion dollar corporations just to get a fair judge, jury, court legal procedure in and before and after the court processes begin?
What can we do to help modify the rights of the worker versus the corporation giants?
We can write computer programs that me here, komm hier, owahe. COME HERE - OWA,HE

sa,cati,arin,ga, = go away, gehen Sie aus, sacatiaringa,. GO AWAY - SA,CATI,ARIN,GA

ska,in,gen,tagh,qua, = you bother me, you bug me, you irritate me, skaingentaghqua. YOU TROUBLE ME - SKA,IN,GEN,TAGH,QUA

I,agh,ka,ron,se, = I fear, I am afraid, I am worried, Ich habe Angst, iaghkaronse. I AM AFRAID - I,AGH,KA,RON,SE

yu,now,moi,e = ich liebe dich, yunowmoie. I LOVE YOU - YU,NOW,MOI,E

yung,squa,his, ich hass du, i hate you, yungsquahis. I HATE YOU - YUNG,SQUA,HIS
a,yagh,kee, = I go to war, ich gehe nach krieg, ayaghkee. I GO TO WAR - A,YAGH,KEE
eno,moigh,an,dogh,sken,onie, = I love peace, enomoighandoghskenonie. I LOVE PEACE - ENO,MOIGH,AN,DOGH,SKEN,ONIE.
away,tee,ken,ovie, = i love all people, awayteekenovie. I LOVE ALL MEN - AWAY,TEE,KEN,OVIE
o,negh,e,ke,wishe,noo, = i conquered my foe (enemy.) I HAVE CONQUERED MY ENEMY - O,NEGH,E,KE,WISHE,NOO
icar,tri,zue,egh,har,taken,ome,enu,mah, = i do not like corporation representatives (people, also called white men.) icartrizueeghhartakenomeenumah (corporation servants or tyrants.)
I don't like white men - Icartrizueeghhartakenomeenumah R I,om,when, = first nations people, iomwhen. Indians - I,OM,WHEN.
ahon,e,see, = african americans (by skin, hair appearence.) ahonessee Negro - AHON,E,SEE.,ahonesee
yan,dah,squa, = prisoner, yandahsqua. Prisoner - YAN,DAH,SQUA.
run,neh,squa,hoon, = er ist dieb, runnehsquahoon. He is a thief - RUN,NEH,SQUA,HOON.

room,wae,ta,wagh,stee, = er ist gutemann, roomwaetawaghstee. Good man - ROOM,WAE,TA,WAGH,STEE.

ye,ent,so, =fisch= fish, yeentso, Fish - YE,ENT,SO.
at,su,meghst, = plums, atsumeghst, Plums - At,su,meghst.
sow,se,wat, = apfel, apples, sowsewat. Apples - Sow,se,wat.
ya,heeghk, = obst, fruit, yaheeghk, Fruit - Ya,heeghk. se,ke,ta, = suger, honey, sugars, Sugar seketa, - Se,ke,ta. se,ke,ta, = honig, Honey - Se,ke,ta.
anu,magh,ke,he,one,salz, salt, Salt Anu,magh,ke,he,one, (or the white people's sugar)
argh,see, = brog, moccasin, (mokkasun, algonkMoccasin - Argh,shee.
tu,ough,qua,no, u, = ca va, wie geht's, how are you? how do you do? tuoughquanou. How do you do - Tu,ough,qua,no,u.
iyeetsatigh, = es tut mir leid, dewey booshi, I'm sorry, i,ye,et,sa,tigh.
I am sorry - I,ye,et,sa,tigh.

yatoreghshasta, yat,o,regh,shas,ta = ich habe hunger, je faime, i'm hungry. I am hungry - Yat,o,regh,shas,ta.
e,sagh,ta,hah, esaghtahah, = you will be filled. You will be filled - E,sagh,ta,hah.
e,hye,ha,honz, ehyehahonz, ehiehahonz, = i'm dying. I am dying - E,hye,ha,honz.
ho,ma,yen,de,zuit,et,et,rang, homayendezuitetetrang, = spirit(s) I beg your pardon, forgive me. God forgive me - Ho,ma,yen,de,zuit,et,et,rang.
qus,quas,run,dee, qusquasrundee = falling timber on river place. Auglaize river - Qus,quas,run,dee, or the falling timber on the river.
quegh,tu,wa, or claws in the water., queghtuwa. Blanchard's fork of the Auglaize - Quegh,tu,wa, or claws in the water.
Sa,un,dus,tee, or water within water-pools., saundustee, Sandusky - Sa,un,dus,tee, or water within water-pools.
da,righ,quay,a town or place of residence. darighquay, Muskingum - Da,righ,quay,a town or place of residence.
Ya,sha,hia, or the place at the wing., yashahia, Cayuhoga - Ya,sha,hia, or the place at the wing.
Cagh,a,ren,du,te, or standing rock at the head of the rapids of this river. , cagharendute, Miami of the lake - Cagh,a,ren,du,te, or standing rock at the head of the rapids of this river. The French Roche de Boef named the river the standing rock river, weil es gibt, ein large rock in the middle of the river which looked like a house.
Yung,ta,rez,ue, yungtarezue, the ocean, the sea (the sea of salt water.) The sea of salt water - Yung,ta,rez,ue.

Yung,ta,rah, yungtarah, the lakes, the great lakes (as big as oceans; but fresh water which freezes.) The lakes - Yung,ta,rah.
yon,do,tin, or the great town. Detroit - Yon,do,tin, or the great town.
Tu,enda,wie,or the junction of two rivers. Defiance, now the county seat of Defiance county, at the junction of the Auglaize and Miami of the lake - Tu,enda,wie,or the junction of two rivers.
After defeating the Indians in 1794, Gen. Wayne, on his return, built Fort Defiance, thereby proclaiming defiance to the enemy.
tat,a,ra,ra, or leaning bank.

Chillicothe town - Tat,a,ra,ra, or leaning bank. Chillicothe is the Shawanese and is the name of one of their tribes.
O,he,zuh,ye,an,da,wa, = something great, ohzuhyeandawa. Ohio river - O,he,zuh,ye,an,da,wa, or something great.
yan,da,we,zue, or great the river. Mississippi - Yan,da,we,zue, or great the river.

scioto, Sci,o,to was named by the Wyandotts (huron, petun, etc.), who formerly resided upon the land. A large town was at Columbus, having their Cornfileds on the bottom grounds opposite that city. Wyandotts pronounce the word Sci,on,to, signification unknown.

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< Gyantwaka, je chereche, ich studiere der Kainarekowa ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Hi consider giving your ideas or thoughts here thanks chao, domo, Tak takk, xie xie, merci, danke, Nya Weh...Kainarekowa.
We can find ways to prevent harming individuals which in turn can prevent the usual retaliations which adversely yaw commerce and other human relationships and at best open up a court system of law to find solutions to bypass retaliations; but have we equal access to legal institutions?

Have we as individuals equal economic resources to war with billion dollar corporations just to get a fair judge, jury, court legal procedure in and before and after the court processes begin?
What can we do to help modify the rights of the worker versus the corporation giants?
We can write computer programs that can create legal code papers to serve the corporations 24 hours a day for each customer, worker, individual violated, rather than the usual class action law suit. The computer codes much like wampum codes have other uses, since these new programs allow anyone for free to use the legal game stratigies and it is a play-game not legal advice I talk about; but the facts of usa corporate law today like the links to organized criminal behavior outside of court like the historic union busters who used criminal actions like death threats and murder to keep workers...

come here, komm hier, owahe. COME HERE - OWA,HE

sa,cati,arin,ga, = go away, gehen Sie aus, sacatiaringa,. GO AWAY - SA,CATI,ARIN,GA
ska,in,gen,tagh,qua, = you bother me, you bug me, you irritate me, skaingentaghqua. YOU TROUBLE ME - SKA,IN,GEN,TAGH,QUA

I,agh,ka,ron,se, = I fear, I am afraid, I am worried, Ich habe Angst, iaghkaronse. I AM AFRAID - I,AGH,KA,RON,SE

yu,now,moi,e = ich liebe dich, yunowmoie. I LOVE YOU - YU,NOW,MOI,E

yung,squa,his, ich hass du, i hate you, yungsquahis. I HATE YOU - YUNG,SQUA,HIS

a,yagh,kee, = I go to war, ich gehe nach krieg, ayaghkee. I GO TO WAR - A,YAGH,KEE

eno,moigh,an,dogh,sken,onie, = I love peace, enomoighandoghskenonie. I LOVE PEACE - ENO,MOIGH,AN,DOGH,SKEN,ONIE.

away,tee,ken,ovie, = i love all people, awayteekenovie. I LOVE ALL MEN - AWAY,TEE,KEN,OVIE

o,negh,e,ke,wishe,noo, = i conquered my foe (enemy.) I HAVE CONQUERED MY ENEMY - O,NEGH,E,KE,WISHE,NOO
icar,tri,zue,egh,har,taken,ome,enu,mah, = i do not like corporation representatives (people, also called white men.)
icartrizueeghhartakenomeenumah (corporation servants or tyrants.)
I don't like white men - Icartrizueeghhartakenomeenumah
The following wendat (huron) language is from the Jesuit Relations (1640s) and there are some muskok words and perhaps some mohawk too. The text has not been proof read. Some references are in the german language.


Aenons (a personal name)

Afvcke adj. To be happy or feel good.(mvskok)

Atinouondaronks (neutrals)

Agnierrhonons (mohawk)

Andastoerrhonons (andastes)

Ahn-knee-das (wendat)skunk


Aiawenk, ayawenk it would happen.

Amantacha (a personal name)

Anechiondic (a personal name)

Atenwentaie (everyday)

Ayonnhekwi, aionnhekwi (it is our tool of life)

Ayotiokwandaoron (they form a valuable group :deer)

Ayeniawasti (a polite person, he is or she or my?)


C coachoochee(sem-wildcat)

Conkhondeerhonons, (khionontaterrhonons :tobak nation)


Da (there)

D (that or which)


Echon (the late father or thing as well as a tree with medical properties.

Este-cate (

Etvlwv (nation)

Em monkv (nature)

Etionnontateronnon (leute von die Yama)

Etyesenda eraty, etiensenda erati (we choose you to guide us).

Ex entate (this day)



Ga-je-wa (sonontoerrhonons: war club)



Hateriate (brave man) Harjo

H (that which)





Ia:wes (wir gehen, we go)

Iondi, yondi (also)


Jo-neet (wendat) Sootie (sem)


Kyokiaye, khiokhiac (les gueay)


Locv (mvskok), Ah-know-wa (wendat)



N:ondende (on earth)


Okeechobee (sem-plenty big water)

Ondessonk bird of prey

Onontaerrhons (onondagas)

Onoiochronons (oneidas)

Oht-tetv v. to send a letter (mvskok)

Ouioenrhonos (cayuaga)

Onguiaahra, onguiaacra (at the neck niagrara)

On wennonkwat, on uennonkuat (our medizin)

Ondaie (it)

Orswenstakwi, orswenstakwi, orswenstakui, orsuenstakwi, orsuenstakui, (it puts us in a state of goodness)

Owhahsa(wendat), otsitsya(agnierrhonons)




Quhanstrono wendat(englishmen)



Sken (let it be)

Sagamite (corn meal mush 1642 jesuit rel.)

Sassainronte (insult, you are bearded, bearded)

Sastaretsi ( name in wyandat deer clan)

Scahentoarrhonons, (rhiierrhonons: eries)

Sonontoerrhonons, sonontaen (seneca)

Sasandi, onrhenk (to forget, forget)

Sakien, satyen (agnierrhonons)

Sonontoerrhons (aus sonontaen) Shotinontowane'haka caunotaucarius, osinonka

Sondokwo (eagle, wyandot)



Taretande (nordbern)

Ta:wannont (give us)

Te-otia-I, te:ockia (montreal)

Tiogentsik, tioointsiq, taengaenseek (wendat) Onyare(agnierrhonons).

Tsoendiai (name person)

Tuhugh,carono (frenchman)




Wask-ka-naught (deer)






unspell checked for typos
