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GNU-gadnar Global NonCorporate Universcities
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Last Updated: December 27, 2001

Global NonCorperate Universcities is a not for profit website primarily devoted to the preservation, study, and promotion of the Global Languages and communcation art symbol systems, spoken, signed, or that were in the world which may have been altered, suppresed, or outlawed by
corporation patterns of behavior or the diseases associated with corporate cultures infestations for lootshares at human and human animal ecosystems qualities of life costs.)

In addition, we endeavor to encourage dialogue on all things, such
as myths and legends, history and scholarship, native sign languages (lakota,muskok),commerce of surplus for trade, polyethnicity and polyglotdevelopment.

We are dedicated to free folk, free cooperatives of associations, links of cooperations, free creativity, free associations
of readers, writers, and students everywhere without the arbitrary coercsions of illegitimate authority via the historic corporate models. GNU about.

  • Site
    Detailed information on this site's contents.
  • Resources
    Publications, websites, and related resources.
  • Papers
    Articles on the Noncorporate languages as well as cultural and topical subjects of nondominent culture languages..
  • Vocabulary
    Word lists and our ongoing Vocabulary Database Project.
  • Study
    Learning the language? Useful papers and resources.
  • Portraits
    Photographs, polylingually captioned, depicting everyday life.

More on Books
GNU is a great source of hard to find books on the Huron, Gaelic, Mvskok including copies of books by Noam A Chomsky, Joseph Richard Thurlow and Jorgen Ola Kraken. Also, GNU has featured Wendat Huron Mvskok Gaelic books including : NonCorporate Chemistry in English and Wendat, Kanenhaka and Mvskok .

Critical Resistance
The Critical Resistance

Languages in Context
A Interhemispheric Resource Center

introduction to non-corporate chemistry, and other sciences, their sub-languages in context of science use, misuse, invention, supression of truth, facts of observation, awareness, creativity and conclusions..

GNU Language Site
Although not aimed at Specific Language participants, this maintains an informative online Huron wendat language culture sites at their "language" section (currently down due to the u.s.a war states condition.

Major Wendat Website
Interested in learning revitalization of cultures & languages like Huron, Iroq, Mohawk(Kanenhaka),seneca Huron Wendat Cultural ReNewal Center

Study Recommendations
This paper provides free library reading for different levels of study.

Why Not Spanish?
Given 350 years of Spanish rule, why isn't Spanish the dominant language as is the case with other former Spanish colonies? This paper offers an explanation.

Spanish English German knots Dead
The slow loading Revist re-vise Our Truths-with languages words, sentence examples to express ideas, opinions, share website discusses the Imperialist Corporate Culture States as part of the corporate world. In North American English, of course.

Out of Stock
We have are out our stock of the Wvcenv Horre book set by Joseph Richard Thurlow. We may have books available in August. In the meantime, you can see mvskok-english-deutsch-francias-huron polyglot books sourced via Language winks website. Thanks everyone who shared in the costs of orders finding information and getting to each other via web. We hope you've found it helpful getting started learning the language of your choice .

Cover of
(Let's Speak Huron).
If you like your news in english, check out .

Role playing Games
reveal a lot about their actors, actresses language and culture. 1
, Democracy Now! in Exile
World Health Organisation

Forum Globalization,
Stop Student Sweatshop labor at ucdavis, at univ.of california corporations
Direct Action Network
The Manufacture of Consent, methods of control...public opinion, specialized classes vs democracy for the few or democracy for corporations 1% view or new democracy for 99% of the domestic human population view.

Abstract of A Comparitive Analysis of Huron Wendat, Mohawk, Muscogee (Mvskok) Creek, Japanese and English, French, Deutsch,Gaelic, Cymraeg. By Joseph Richard Thurlow.. Interesting for its comparitive approach in identifying points in languages that pose curious cultural and or historical questions for students especially of or in the occupied terror-tories[sic] also known as the U.S.A. or its areas of corporate military occupation forces. Included are English-speakers learning guide to North American English.).

The Global NonCorporate Universcities are all over the

East Timor Action Network

Playing Mozarts Requiem Mass for the living. Johann Sebastian Bach(baroque music), Georg Friederick Handel Opus 3.

Join the Greenpeace cyberactivist community and start making waves. [Take The Iniative! Protect Your Health & Safety Help Your Communities! you can participate and contribute.]


Free Service Learn English Placement World Centers
Free Language Advisor from

The Global NonCorporate Universcities are all over the


The GNU-gadnar Global Universcities develop by direct participation and control of the people that use the resources themselves,the folk volk bauer, fischer, fishermen, fisherwomen, farmers, students, elders, youth. Congratulations GNU!

Literature of the Eastern to Western
School of the Americas Watch is a nice website that does a great job featuring the training of genocide mercenaries or militaries
To be listed later the writing and authors of the Huron Wendat, Mohawk Kanenhake, Mvskok ,Muscogee, Japanese, Nihongo, growth to include ancient to modern china languages, viet namese, malay, phillipines, korea, thai, languages laos, cambodia, lenape, miwok, snomish, aleut, tlingkit, athabaskan and more...

Mvskok Huron English Literature
The GNU has produced many writers over the years writing in range of languages and venues. This paper identifies many of these writers, and provides an anthology of some of their work.

The Fishdogs of Basque-Huron-Viking-Iroquas
A powerful short story (in English) set in the time of 1660s by Joseph Richard Thurlow. Won First Prize, Short Story category, GNU-gadnar Memorial Awards for down temp.

Seminole Mvskok near Launch
Joseph Richard Thurlow, scholar and instructor professor,student may start a free egroup for anyone who wants to learn, practice, and talk about the seminole & muscogee, huron-wendat, seneca-mohawk kanenhaka, gaelic languages ("I:laponathli"). For details, visit the GNu-gadnar Links website.

The Cahokya Empires
Why some modern-day North Americans may be decendents of the Cahokyan-I:lapon, Calusa, Timicua empires. This paper by Dr. Thurlow examines the possibility.

Pro-NonCorporation Essays
Five hundred and two years of corporate rule have been costly to the rest of the globe surface and seas. Global Health Care or In the corporation states (usa)? Partners in Health

Exotic Japanese Fonts Available
Want to type using in the Japanese alphabet/font? Download the latest font from site

Online NonCorp Newspaper links
If you like your news in english, check out .

Childrens' Games
Children reveal a lot about their language and culture in the games they play. The play is the thing we will capture the conscious of the king: inventory
, experimental site politik
Free Speech TV
Foreign policy in Focus
Progressive news

A Native Northeast-Southeast American Language Dictionary linkage Things that matter-Purchase Safe FOod yes Food, Safe Fiber, Fruit, Nuts, health and safety on the farm to farmers market, fishermens wharf outlets

Languages cultures-cancel
Read about this and other shocking events in the newest and best Wendat webzine Onderha, formerly "Ondecha."
Wind Made Electricity Info
(an advertisement for an author inventors' book

School of the Americas Watch is a nice website that does a great job featuring the training of genocide mercenaries or militaries
To be listed later the writing and authors of the Huron Wendat, Mohawk Kanenhake, Mvskok ,Muscogee, Japanese, Nihongo, growth to include ancient to modern china languages, viet namese, malay, phillipines, korea, thai, languages laos, cambodia, lenape, miwok, snomish, aleut, tlingkit, athabaskan and more...

Mvskok Huron English Literature