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Tuesday, August 03, 2004 2:58 AM - A warning for anyone considering the PC game Lineage II. If you like being chased around as a newb by people many levels higher than you that WILL kill you and call you pussy for running, this game is for you.

I played 9 hours, I'm writing the game off as a $33 loss. Back to EverQuest for me.

Thursday, July 29, 2004 10:11 PM - I found a bug in the image gallery conribution script that was preventing images to be saved on the server. It has been fixed. You can get to it by visiting any section of the gallery and scrolling to the bottom of the page, there you will find a contribute link.

Thursday, June 17, 2004 12:34 AM - I've completed work on a new background link blocking method for the gallery that should, or I hope it will, reduce the processor usage and increase the load speed of the site. It should help folks who find it annoying when you save an image from the gallery and it names it "image.php". It's still in the testing phase, I'm not sure, it could die tomorrow, if it does, I'll have to revert to the image.php method or fix the new one.

FYI, I go to such pains to block people linking directly to images on this site because this site only has a limited amount of traffic it can handle per month. If that ammount is exceeded the site will either go down untill the next billing cycle or I'll get hit with overage charges that I can't afford. You can use images, just save them to your own server and be sure to include series copyrights & links. You should keep that in mind when you link to any site's material.

Wednesday, June 16, 2004 2:43 AM - I was working with Studio Ironcat again running the dealers room table durring much of the time while I was at A-Kon. Because of that I didn't get to experience much of the con outside of the dealers room, but others have... A-Kon was photographed and reported on at A Fan's View. There are also numerous reports and photo gallerys linked to on A-Kon's home page.

I did get to see the opening ceremonies. They had a funny opening bit done by Ill Will Press with Foamy the Squirrel. It made a big stink about how fan-boys need to shower. It was great, though A-Kon hasn't got it on their site yet, I'd like to see it again.

The dealer's room was well stocked, I added a few new artbooks to my collection that I got at A-Kon; El Hazard TV, Kenji Tsuruta - Hydrogen, Maho Tsukai Tai - Official Documents, Raimuiro Senkitan Complete Visual Book, and Tales of Symphonia - Kosuke Fujishima's Character Works.

I didn't pick up any videos, the art books cleaned me out.

I tried talking to Jonathan Klein about getting hooked up materials for the Video Index on the Shrine from Pioneer/Geneon, unfortunatly I got a name to contact and forgot. Mr. Klein was also carrying around a box full of sweet little Haibane-Renmei cards, I was given one, but it got lost in the shuffle behind the Ironcat table. Damn.

Afterhours kind of sucked, every room party was broke up by cops and hotel security. Late in the hall when I was out doodling in the halls listening to some Tales from the Afternow, I talked with a security guard who said that they hadn't been giving warnings, just breaking the parties up. He said that was an unusual thing for them to do, but they just were. I guess anime fans are "special".

This was the first convention I've flown out for, in fact, it was my first commercial flight. The trip was kind of exciting just for that. Unfortunatly, I also experienced a down side to flight, the return trip was delayed an hour and a half. I was lucky that the connecting flight was also delayed, and had to get off one just to walk down a few ramps to board the other. It was all good, I got to see a sunset while up at 30,000ft. It almost made up for it.

Big shout-outs to Studio Robb for hooking us up with dinner at the Dallas Hooters. The chili was good and hot, though I never did get my extra crackers.

I'm not sure if I'll be hitting any other conventions this summer, I may hit Ikasucon (July 16-18, 2004), but at the moment it's hard to tell.

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