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Here are some pictures of me and my family.. aka: cats 'n dogs... :)

My sister's cat, Sox... he is rediculus (or however you spell that)

Isn't my dog a cutie? Her name is Gracie.

Labled already!!! Aren't I cute?!? Anyways, i'm a lot older now, and so is everyone else in the pic... i'll try to get a recent one of me up soon! I have some really bad ones if you wanna see!!!:
Christmas Day.. Natie on a scooter!!!

Enough Said...

Boy... i don't know when and where we took this one... but that is natie looking directly at the camera, and I'm looking off in the distance...

Uhh... CLOSEUP!!! *barfs* Thats me by the way!

I'm swimming...

This was actually pretty recent!

This pic was taken ages ago...

This was taken a few years ago

Thats all for now, I'll try to get a recent pic (good) of me up soon...:)