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The Foggy Blog


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     Welcome to my website. I hope that you take some time to explore and have fun.

About the Typist-So, what do I do in my spare time, other than working on this web site, of course!

Movie Reviews- Take a peek and see what some of the hottest new movies are really about.      Currently Showing: To End All Wars

Idea Stream- "1ran·dom ('ran-d&m) noun: a haphazard course: without definite aim, direction, rule, or method."  Yup, that pretty much sums it up.

Book Reviews-Get the scoop on some of the best books ever written, from the classics to the latest Christian fiction.         

Feedback-Please tell me what you think of my site and ways for it to improve.

Discussion Forum-See what others have to say about important issues or post your own article.


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This site was last updated 07/30/04