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Welcome to My FoD ¦|

This diary is all about me... Well... who did you think it was gonna be about? YOU? I chalk it all up to my being a god-damn immortal super hero... But we aren't here to debate my immortality (unfortunately), so... moving on...

Bitching notice: This is MY diary; for those of u that don't understand what that means: This is where I will post MY opinions, thoughts, feelings and nude pics... opps how'd that get in there?? O well, you get the idea. I hope that you will respect the fact that I have a right to express myself. If you don't like whatever you read then that is, effectively, your problem and not mine. So my advice to you, simply put, is to complete the following steps ;) :

 1- Unzip my pants 2- Suck my d*** 3- Choke on it 4- Die a slow and horrible death :)

Now that the bitching notice has been stated, please leave lots of notes with your opinions, thoughts, comments etc.; I love feedback. If your gonna leave hate/rude/mean notes, then at least have the guts to leave ur S/N, name or some identifying mark. If you don't have a dairy or don't want to leave a link to your diary then leave an unsigned note with your name (or initials). Don't worry I wont bring the ruckus to your diaries LoL.

Welcome to my world; I hope you all enjoy my insanity...

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