Welcome to the PhoenixMud home office for...

(Thanks to Keldar for the above logo)


Sturm & Manok Inc.

Quest Division

For information on Hero and Angel tests, click HERE

Be sure to send in your Photo to Siriah (Orcan goddess of the deep)

Check out her website, click HERE

Official QP Policy

Quests In Progress                                            Quests in Planning

Recently Completed Quests

Kira Point Listings  -  Kira Point Prizes

S & M Inc.'s Betsy Ross immitation.


Thanks to those who "volunteered!"

and to Ramza who was the first to post it up so I could link to it.



(Send in an image/graphic for this spot and you could get a QP)


Olympics - In partnership with Devatka


All Events Completed

Final deadline has PAST for prizes.

Thanks for participating

Medals Listing                               Prize Listings

Links to other MUD related Web Pages

(Click on the smiley face)

Created: May 22, 2002                                     Last updated: 09/11/04