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News article for the week of 6/9/08.

Hillary Hitching Obama
By Grey Politics

Barak Obama's success in winning the Democratic Presidential nomination has put an end to the second most vicious political fight in recent US history (the first being the Ronald Regan vs. Zombie Grover Cleveland boxing match in 1985), and may well make history as he becomes the first Black man to become president.
Sadly this has not put an end to the political battles within the Democratic Party. Hillary Clinton refused to concede outright, even when signs showed she had lost, all to gain political capital.
What for? The Vice Presidency of course.
The world's largest Miss Congeniality Prize is not out of reach for Clinton. While largely empty unless/until the president dies in office the position of VP does offer Clinton possibilities while keeping her in the game.
The upside for Obama is healing the growing rift in the Democrats that the sometimes divisive campaign has caused, not to mention the possible power combination an Obama/Clinton ticket could provide going into the polls.
This is in addition to the less effective power combination when the two candidates transform and unite, with Clinton forming a pair of female legs (what else was she going to form) and Obama a highly masculine arms and torso.
Bill Clinton would form the crotch and Ted Kennedy the hair.
Democratobot speculation aside there is doubt over whether Obama and Clinton could work together. While both are Democrats and have a great deal of crossover in their policies there is not much wiggle room in the differences.
Clinton continues to champion her health care plan while Obama sincerely wishes to drain Lake Eyrie and flood Las Vegas. During the nomination campaign both lampooned and rubbished these cherished policies in an effort to distinguish one from the other.
Yet early indications are that an Obama/Clinton ticket could be all but unbeatable. John McCain has yet to officially announce his running mate, and after this much time no one seriously expects one of his opponents from the nomination process to be taken too seriously, a possible drawback from withdrawing too soon as opposed to Clinton's tenacity.
Furthermore the possibility of forming Republicanabot or the more likely and less popular Republicanicon with any of the available candidates is increasingly unlikely and far from a sure fire win since no matter what George W Bush will still be the ass and Donald Rumsfeld the middle finger.
Compared to Obama/Clinton Democratobot it is hardly a fearsome combination, unlike the glory days of Regan/Bush Republicanus, who defeated Mothra and MechaGodzilla in a single week.
Adding to difficulties is Clinton's dislike of playing second fiddle to anyone. Even under husband Bill's tenure as President she much preferred First Gong, which allowed for some unfortunate First Flute incidents.
All the same some expect Obama to do great things, and if that requires building bridges among his contemporaries with finesse and success then he may truly be unstoppable, possibly allowing him to unlock the Power Key and single handedly forming Obama Supreme.

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