Last week's News

News article for the week of 7/26/05.

Airline Entertainment Ranks With Airline Food
By, Grey Entertainment

In an effort to put more people on planes the airline industry has recently taken several interesting steps that promised to be interesting, if nothing else.
The latest technology, aimed at improving seating and entertainment features on the larger passenger planes, have so far meet with a certain degree of success, making frequent flyers more relaxed and amenable to air travel. Computer games, earphones and a host of video channels have made the experience far more enjoyable, though the lack of development in the food department is somewhat distressing.
For the moment, these moves have made air travel more enjoyable, though the general public has felt that it is still somewhat inaccessible or inapproachable.
With this in mind the airlines have decided, supposedly independently but the actions come too close together to be truly independent, to have live shows onboard their long haul aircraft.
While it is often joked that stewardess’ and stewards on board airplanes are nothing more than actors without a stage, giving them the airplane as a stage could prove to be a vital mistake.
One recent flight from London to Melbourne included a rendition of “Cats”, modified for a smaller cast and smaller stage. While the miniaturized backdrops have been applauded, the casting of most of the flight crew has been criticized. Partly because the flight crew’s roles were in the latter section of the musical, to the point where landing became a tricky proposition, though the sudden improvisation of the copilot stepped on a number of feet and did not make the experience any more enjoyable.
Regardless of this reports have gone out stating that the airlines will continue with this initiative. Already deals have been made with Andrew Lloyd Webber to have adapted versions of his many musicals performed on airlines.
Unfortunately this has lead to something new, something which may disturb everyone with a taste in theater, in other words about three or four people in every city of the world, is that playwrights desperate for their own breaks are making musicals specifically for airlines.
At the moment only the major airlines are interested, having the resources to purchase these cheap plays, however this could lead to other interesting developments, as the standard aircrew cannot provide enough warm bodies to fill all the necessary roles.
Even with audience participation it is expected that airlines will soon begin hiring actors to perform on airplanes. While this would undoubtedly upset a number of cabin crew, possibly resulting in legal action, the siphoning off of what acting talent remains could see a rise in desperate, five minute fame shows that are only now beginning to die off.
With considerations like these let’s hope that the airlines get some great computer games in.

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