Past Entertainment Articles.

Article for the week of 5/24/05

Really Pathetic CD Review

Hard Eight –by the Corsairs

By, Paul Mann (Editor and Weirdo)

Avast me a hearty party me buckos, for we are sailing for fine music with none other
than a new RPP favorite, the Corsairs. This quartet features a sea worthy bunch of lads with voices as golden as Dracula’s fourth fang. If a Yo Ho needs to blow the man down, look no further than their latest album: Hard Eight.
Who are these nautical wonders and what plank did they walk off of? These four musical lads often go by the names Scott Goeringer (tenor), David Hammond (baritone), William Hudson (baritone) and Kevin Lassiter (bass). They can be heard singing various tunes in the form of sea shanties, Irish, folk and nautical tunes at various festivals and public gathering places throughout the year. In the style of “a cappella” these gents will entertain with no disappointment.
The Corsairs latest CD continues a knee-slapping theme by introducing a few more of the traditional songs they like, while also bringing out comedy and a few original numbers. A health to the Company represents one of the easy listening numbers for those who prefer a soft melody. Very Unfortunate Man falls into the progressively funny category, starting out in a serious story and ending up living up to the title. If you need just plain silly, you will get a kick out of Ranzo Ray which rhymes and puns to nothing particular. The other numbers, including a hidden track, shift around offering an excellent balance of listening pleasure.
Overall, Hard Eights comes across as a well rounded album with plenty of tracks worth repeating. In a Beach Boys meets the Pirates of the Caribbean style the Corsairs pull off what few vocalists do, make the album the focus and not just one cool song. For a barrel full of laughs and splendid performance I bestow a mighty four Arrrrs out of five.

You can buy the Corsairs music, T-shirts and other pirateish stuff at their website: .


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