Past Entertainment Articles.

Article for the week of 4/10/05

Really Pathetic Melodies
When a woman loves a Jedi (To the tune when a man loves a woman)
By, Paul Mann (Editor and Weirdo)

When a woman loves a Jedi
Some freaky stuff is going down
She’d cloud her judgment
For a little of that force action
If he’s bad, she can’t see it
He can do no wrong
Turn his back on his friend
If the Sith bids it

When a woman loves a Jedi
She’ll love his metal hand
Because that kind of thing turns her on
He’ll give up master yoda
What’s one little green punk?
All those freaky Jedi
Have done him wrong

When a woman loves a Jedi
She’ll give him all she’s got
Trying not to lose him
Her scuba sounding hubby
Baby don’t turn to the dark side.

When a woman loves a Jedi
She’ll doom them to empire
Oh all those planet’s misery
If he’s playing her for a fool
She’s the last one to know
What’s not hard to see

Yes Obi wan, I screwed up
I shoulda said no
But maybe we can try in the sequels
When a woman loves a Jedi….

 Really Pathetic Productions 2005 ©