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t h i s . w e e k e n d l a s t . w e e k e n d n e w . s t u f f

b a n d s

s h o w s

v i d e o

s o u n d

p i c t u r e s

t s h i r t s

**guestbook may contain foul
content.viewer discretion
advised. opinions stated
in guestbook by individuals
are not neccessarily the
opinions of this website.

sign the new book

the old book has been shut
down by powers beyond my
This is YOUR chance to voice YOUR opinion CONSTRUCTIVELY!
What would you most enjoy having in Essex?

A stage/venue for music and an arcade
A stage/venue and an outside skatepark
A stage, arcade, and food counter
A stage, outside skate, and food counter
A stage, skate, and arcade.
Just a stage/venue/club type place.
Just an outdoor skatepark.
Just an arcade.
Just a food counter.

PS. An indoor skate area is NOT possible at this time. If you have other ideas, feel free to email me at

Current Results


08.29.03: Summa' time, when the livin's easy.

01.11.03: Bringing the life back to Essex.

If you care enough about what happens to Essex, or if you want a chance to actually voice your opinion, here's your chance.
I've put up a series of polls. Many of the decisions I will be making in the coming months will draw directly on the results of the polls.
Please don't vote a thousand times for what you want. I need some real information.

Tell your friends, tell anyone you think would care.

If you have other suggestions, feel free to shout em out in the guestbook. Make sure you leave your name. As soon as I find out anything solid, I will let you guys know.

On an unrelated note, I have recently been listening to Tsunami bomb, and I find myself playing the album over and over. Anynone else down with them? If you haven't heard them, I think you should.

* a love song to everyone i know*