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}EC{ Endless Chaos

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}EC{'s artwork
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Notes-________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ june 17 03, i stayed home from school again i think theres only 2 more days of school left anywase i have to go to school tomarow and the next day so im not going to get anything done today i am waiting for ideas that someone will send me from the forums but no one has sent me anything yet im making artwork of the ec members so id like all the ec members to send me there artwork ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ june 16 03, i was going to go to school but i got sick so i got to stay home and update the site im trying to think of some stuff to add oh yea!!! sig hosting :P i also added the warcraft 3 members page... ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ june 15 03- i didnt get any work done because i want to my cussins house :( ah oh well ill make it up tomarrow and over the summer (only 1 more week unless im sick) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ june 14 03- i poot in some graphics and stuff like that and i poot in links to get back to the main page i hope people can find it :(... then i posted this site onto the forums and hopefully everyone will like it and i hopefully will figure out how to make spaces instead of using a - for a space :( maybe i can use a page breaker or a _____ ah that works ya ill update that later :P ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ june 13 03- my account was deleated whats up with that i have to start from scratch ive gotten a good deal done of the website im going to go look for hellbilly... i couldnt find him o well ill just poot a link to are old forums ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ june 12 03- i started this site and i got most of it dont i did the main page and all that stuff ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ june 11 03-i had to go to school when i got home i had a password on my computer so when my dad got home he enterd it and i only could update this because i had to eat and than do homework than go to bed sorry hellbilly ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ june 10 03- my friend invited me over so i only could poot this in sorry hellbilly ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ june 9 03- }EC{Hellbilly told me (i think in a joking manor that i should go make a site for }EC{ so i made a site for him ill start tomarow

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