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Rocks & Minerals



There are three types of rocks. They are igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic. These three different types of rocks form in different ways. Igneous rocks are made from the lava or magma of a volcano. Some form inside of volcanos and some form outside of them. The type of an igneous rock is also determined on how it cools. If a rock cools very fast, it usually falls into a body of water. When a rock cools very fast, it becomes shiny, or glassy. There are two types of Igneous rocks. They are felsic and mafic. Felsic are usually light colored and not very dense. Mafic rocks are usually dark and very dense. This is because of how the rocks cool. The next type of rocks are sedimentary rocks. Sedimentary rocks are made from layers of sediment. A good clue to see if a rock is sedimentary is if the rock contains any fossils or large rock particles. All rocks are made out of minerals. The mineral composition of a rock may vary greatly. It can make a rock hard or very soft, dense or not so dense, and basicaly gives a rock all of its characteristics.*****Under Construction*****