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Bad Meteorology

Meteorology- The science that deals with the phenomena of the atmosphere, especially weather and weather conditions. The first thing I will explain is air pressure. Air pressure is the “weight” of the atmosphere that is all around us. Air pressure is responsible for wind and weather. Air pressure can be measured by two types of barometers, mercury and aneroid. When using a mercury barometer, you measure the air pressure in inches of mercury. When you measure the pressure with an aneroid barometer, you use millibars. The normal air pressure is 1013.2 mb or 29.92 in. *********Next is humidity. Humidity is the moisture or dampness of the atmosphere; a moderate degree of wetness, which is perceptible to the eye or touch. There are two types of humidity, specific and relative. Relative humidity compares the amount of water in the air with the maximum amount it could be holding. Specific humidity is the exact amount of water in the air. Saturated air has 100% humidity. To determine humidity, you would use a sling psychrometer. A sling psychrometer has two thermometers held together. One has some type of cotton or cloth that is soaked with water. The thermometers are attached to some type of rod so the thermometers can wing around. You subtract the temperature from the wet thermometer (dry bulb) from the temperature of the dry thermometer (dry bulb). From there you would need to look at the link which contains the charts that you need.*****Under Construction*****