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Welcome to my Final Project website. I learned how to do thumbnails with all the pictures that i took of the leis and also of the hats. I also learned how to put together a cascading style sheet from scratch and not taking one from online that has already been created for you. I also learned how to work with Microsoft Frontpage program. What was required was for the final project was each partner has to do 3 pages and also had to do something with E-Commerce.

My partner,for this project is Carlton Chung who also helped with the designing and also did 3 pages in the website,(the sports fanatic pages). If you are interested in purchasing or have any questions on any of my items or my mom's you can email us.

In order to do this site I had to explore the internet to get ideas and also to do research on web design and also got help from other students in my Internet Studies class.

I would like to thank some people that helped me create my webpages: Don, Charles, and my teacher Sus Shawhan. Oh yea and also my partner Carlton Chung. I learned a whole lot of new things and is loving it!!! =}

Final Project
