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Debra's Homepage

Debra's Homepage
What's New!

Tuesday, May 20

One of these days I really am going to work on my website. I don't have much to add other than check out what I do have up and check back in a few months. LoL. I may have more by then.

Friday, April 25

Well, things have been stressful lately. My car broke down yesterday. If you want to find out more about what's going on with me check out my livejournal.

Sunday, March 30

I've updated colors on my site. I still haven't fixed my scanner. I'm about to toss it out the window. It doesn't like me very much.

I've got a livejournal now. If you want to see what's going on in my life on a day to day basis, check that out. I will also be adding a few more links very soon, so you should check out my links as well. One more thing, everybody needs to check out my forum. Go check it out and start a topic that interests you.

Monday, March 3

I've been doing really well lately. Stu was sick all last week, but I managed to get to see him this weekend so that made me really happy. We're doing really well. We really are happy together.

The other day I realized how much I love simple joys like visiting the library. I also got a cute pair of shoes for this summer for $4, and no I don't obsess over shoes. I just loved it cuz getting cute stuff cheap is the best.

Thursday, February 13

Well, things have been going pretty well. The weather sucks, but that's ok. It will get warmer. Other than that not much has been going on. Stu and I are still doing well. =)

Well, I hope everybody's doing well. It's been a while since I've heard from everybody so please call, email, instant message, or do whatever other way of communication you find fitting if you get the chance.

Monday, January 27

Tomorrow is Stu and my two year anniversary. I gave him a silver chain and he gave me a promise ring. =)

I hope everyone is having a good year so far! Well, Check back soon. I'm gonna try to add more to my site if I find the time.

Wednesday, January 8

Well, I hope all is going well for everyone. I've updated my links so that the page is now there =). Please check out my pictures. They're not the best but they're all I've got until my scanner is fixed.

Please sign my guest book while you're here, and also feel free to start a conversation on my message board and also to send the link to friends so we can get some discussions going.

Saturday, January 4

This is going to be the new look to my website. I hope you like it.

Happy New Year to everybody! I hope you are all enjoying Christmas break. Soon it will be time to go back to school. It's not too late to get out and have some fun though, so do just that. Get up, get out, have an awesome time with close friends, and then get a good night's rest.

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