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As discussed at our September meeting, there will be a Special meeting to vote on proposed Horse Project by-law changes, October 24, 6:30 pm, Youth Building. A complete agenda for this meeting will be distributed later. Please review the proposed changes and be ready to vote on October 24.





Proposed by-law changes are in blue italics.


Changes in pink italics are some that we have not previously discussed and are primarily grammar and consistency edits.




By-Laws of the Douglas County 4-H Horse Project

July 2004  October 2005


Mission Statement:

The mission statement of the Douglas County 4-H horse project is to provide safer horsemanship, education opportunities and a fun environment through structured youth leadership and parent involvement, centered around a fun and flexible organization for all involved.



  1. to provide a learning experience of horse knowledge throughout Douglas County.  (leadership, cooperation, responsibility, and how to get along with people)
  2. to plan and conduct county 4-H horse activities
  3. to encourage older youth to continue in horse project work
  4. to provide special program opportunities to horse project youth on a county wide basis
  5. to increase participation in the county 4-H horse program
  6. to provide an opportunity for horse members throughout the county to get together and become better acquainted.



  1. Membership in the horse project is open to all persons without regard to race, color, sex, ethnic background, or economic circumstances. The horse project does not operate on a segregated basis.
  2. To be a member of the horse project you have to be currently enrolled as a 4-H horse project member, project leader, or a parent/legal guardian of the project member.
  3. Members are asked to serve on such committees, panels, or work groups as necessary to support the horse project and its function.
  4. Those members misusing their privileges will be brought before the Douglas County 4-H Leaders Council



One parent or legal guardian per family, all youth members and all project leaders may vote at all meetings.  If a parent is a project leader they may only vote once on an issue.



  1. A quorum of 2/3 of the members present is needed in order to present a motion and vote on it.
  2. Majority of those present shall constitute a quorum vote.



  1. General Meetings: The Project members shall meet regularly on the 4th Monday quarterly in September, December, March and June with a speaker and/or activity after the business meeting. Changes will be notified Members will be notified of changes by e-mail/postcard within seven days prior to the meeting change.  
  2. Annual Membership Meeting: An annual membership meeting shall be held in September. The purpose of this meeting shall be the nomination and election of the officers and any amendments of the by-laws, rules, and policies.

      3.   Special Meetings: Special meetings shall be called by the chair/president, and written notice to all members must be postmarked dated seven days prior to the meeting.  

            All members should be contacted in the event of a special meeting.

4.   Place of Meetings: All meetings of the horse project shall be held at the Douglas County         Youth building at the Douglas County Fairgrounds unless notified differently.

5.   Committee Meetings:  Will Meetings shall be run by the recognized standard set forth by Roberts Rules of Order. This may be on an informal basis.


Election & Duties of Officers & Terms:

  1. Officers: President- one adult member and one youth member. Vice president- one youth member, Secretary- one youth member, Treasurer, one adult and one youth member.
  2. Adult President: It shall be the duty of the adult president to co-ordinate and advise all officers, oversee all activities, offer suggestions and serve as a liaison between the members and the Douglas County 4-H Leaders Association
  3. Youth President: It shall be the duty of the youth president to preside over all meetings of the committee. The president shall be responsible for preparing the agenda for each meeting and submitting it to the extension office for e-mailing/mailing prior to the meetings. The president may not vote unless in the event of a tie vote, he/she should step aside as defined in Roberts Rules of Order.
  4. Vice President: It shall be the duty of the vice president Duties shall be to assist the president and to act for the president when the president is absent.
  5. Secretary: It shall be the duty of the secretary to take minutes, and distribute forward a copy to the extension office and adult president  to be e-mailed/mailed with the agenda postmarked dated ten days prior to the meeting.  He/She shall keep an up to date roster of the membership and those attending all meetings.
  6. Adult Treasurer: It shall be the duty of the adult treasurer to will assist the youth treasurer in maintaining the financial reports and to co-sign all checks.
  7.  Treasurer: It shall be the duty of the treasurer to keep the project’s financial records under the guidance of the adult treasurer, deposit all project funds in such bank approved by the treasurer and adult treasurer. A monthly financial report shall be given to the members at all regular meetings, an annual report prepared for the annual meeting, and also submitted to the Douglas County Extension Office.
  8. Officers shall hold office for a period of one term year.  They may not hold the same office for more than two years.


Standing Committees:

            Show  Fair Committee

            Clinic Committee

Awards Committee

Fund Raising Committee

Activities Committee


These committees shall be made up of a minimum of one youth and one adult member. All committees will bring suggestions to the general meeting for consideration and discussion before being accepted.


Calendar Year

The 4-H Horse Project calendar year shall run from October 1 to September 30 August 1 –

July 31.


Amendments to By-Laws:

Proposed amendments shall be read and distributed at the general meeting one month prior to the annual meeting.

            All amendments must be brought to the annual meeting with a thirty day prior written notice to all members.

Proposed by-law amendments are to be submitted to the youth president and adult president 45 days prior to the annual meeting.  The youth president and adult president will distribute proposed by-law changes by e-mail/mail to all members at least 30 days prior to the annual meeting.


Youth President Signature____________________________


Adult President Signature____________________________


Date _________________