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Basic Fact file:

Name : Deniz Sidqi

Born : 28th July 2000 [ Gleneagles Hospital, 32nd week of pregnancy. premature birth ]

Horoscope : Leo

Fun-times : Playing around the house with all my toys and my toy drum-set. Watching Cartoon-Network and the Disney Channel. My colourful book collection.

Favorite Drum Solo : Neil Peart [ Rush ] and Jerry's Drums 101 [ Myx Studios Singapore ]

Bad-times : Bumping my head into the wall, falling down from bed and getting hit by the table's leg. Ouch!

1st day I started to walk : 14th Febuary 2002 [ Valentine's Day ]

1st words spoken : Mum-mum [ asking for Food ] and Mirk  [ Milk ]

The Stats

Born: July 28th, 2000
Week: 32
Time: 04:56am
Hospital: Gleneagles Hospital.
Room No: 517
Head: 29.5
Length: 42
Weight: 1.85 kg

Daddy Deniz says...
It all happened on the 7th month of mummy's pregnancy. She [mummy] was diagnosed with very high blood pressure during the 18 hour labour, the baby's [Deniz] lungs were eractic on the machine readings, estimated weight in tummy was about 1.5kg, the doctor who was always candid n humorous during our monthly check-ups gave me the kind of look, I never wished to see. He pulled me aside to tell me just before he left after his 1st rounds were," its not too good, I'll be doing all I can, both mum n baby are at risk, just pray." and that's all I could really do was ask the Almighty for strength, even to the point to take me instead of them, if someone had to go. I still remember that day well, my mind was a total wreck and being a Gemini, I put up a cool face in front of mummy and told her that all was A-ok, seeing the wires running across her body and that damn contraction reading machine shooting up as the hours went by, she didn't need this big extra worry. after 18 hours of  labour, she naturally felt it was time to deliver and into the theatre we went, and standing next to mummy through out the whole time, she pushed till she felt she had no strength left, I just reminded her, just 1 more good push and get it over with, it's been 7 months already, guess that she was motivated by those words, out came Deniz, after blessing the child which is my duty, the doctor told that mummy's blood pressure was down to normal and Deniz's lungs were responding perfectly and at 1.85kg weight, he put on 350 grams in 18 hours. if there was any time in my life to witness the power of the Almighty and his miracles, this would be it for sure.

Back in 1998, We went through a 4th month miscarriage [ fetus was a girl ] that changed our lifes traumatically n we never put much hope on having kids as her womb since young was diagnosed weak, we never bought a single thing in preparation for Deniz as we were in that frame of mind, so when Deniz was a success, we were running to get all those baby stuff for him, and having gone through disappointment before, we really really cherish his presence and the wonderful changes he has brought to us since. God Bless.

Mummy Deniz says...
Goodness gracious look at that child!  Even though it was a tough delivery but whew!  We made it through!  I'm prove to give birth to my lovely Boy!


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