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How to make a CS movie. (24 karat's clan movie)

An Example of Step 1
Intro to our movie.
My individual cs movie intro :O
Each person's intro will be like this.

Step 1. Go watch your demo. When a shot comes up that you want to record, click console ( ~ ) and type startmovie yourname (dean1) 30. So lets say mono is doing his 3rd shot he would type startmovie mono3 30. Then hit enter and hit console again. This will make you lag, but you are actually taking a lot of screenshots. When the shot is done, click console and type endmovie.

Step 2. Go to your half life folder. There will be a lot of screesnhots, you will see them, you can't miss them. Then tkae those screenshots, make a new zip folder and add them all in there. Send that Zip to dean or put it on a site where Dean can download it.

Step 3. Once dean has everyone's or all who wish to participate in the movie, he will put it all together, become one giant movie. This movie may be over 300 mb and over 20 minutes long ! THis is because we have what, 13 members, and if all wish to be in it and have 1-3 minute parts, it will be a long movie. I will let you know when i am done with it.

Step 4. If you have a favorite song you want to put it in, send me the name and ill get it for you. Your individual shit should be from 1-5 minutes, as 5 MINUTES MAX. No more. The song should under 5 minutes as well. If it isn't, find out how to cut off the ending or sumpin.

Thank you for your coorapteration.
