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The CS Crew site

Hey all you insane peoples in there(I'M really on the outside)Ihave some bad news to report.I have had to do the entire website.(virus sucks bro)
So in the spirit of hapiness I have started a new RP and have abducted a few new members.(all the charecters are coming soon.I just have to learn how to type again.)but,while I understand that you haven't been able to acess many things up here,I am doing all I can to fix this problem(I't's amazing how much brute force can do.)
Soon I will have the site back up to it's former half-glory.But,for now I'm just trying to do what I can to get it all all of our pages and enjoy thoroughly(yes both of them.)
Also,Websense (the filter used in pinellas county,I don't know about elsewhere)has deemed our site inappropriate,due to the fact that the site contains the words sh*t and g*****n.yeah okay,we're down with that...or would be if we didn't star all cussing out,(or attempt to)so in light of our attempts to keep this school apropriat,and being screwed over for all our hard work, we're saying fuck it and moving on with our uncensored lives.DEATH TO THE SCHOOL SYSTEM!(I can still edit the site tho')
On a lighter note,we have organized the site and it's better than ever before.Check out the many many things I have done and enjoy my mock html training.
With all the love an insane person can give, --Willis

Other CS Crew stuff

The Story Club:Where all the cool stories hang out!
