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April 2002 Newsletter

"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations."-Jeremiah 1:5
There is no question about when human life begins. This is evident through the word of the Lord as He spoke to Jeremiah. Our lives were given to us by God. Worldwide, millions of unborn babies are killed by abortion each year. In the United States over 41 million unborn babies have been killed in the 29 years since abortion was legalized through all nine months of pregnancy. It is important to know the scientific facts about human development. The life of each human being can be traced to the beginning of his or her own individual life: fertilization. Your first nine months of life were the most eventful you have ever experienced. Here are the major milestones of that life before birth-the first chapter in your own biography:

The Diary of an Unborn Child

Your sex, eye color, shoe size, intelligence, etc. are determined at fertilization. Within one week of fertilization, you are implanted in your mother's uterus and are nourished there.
18 days: Your heart is forming and eyes are developing.
20 days: The foundation of your brain, spinal cord and nervous system are laid.
28 days: Your muscles are developing; arms and legs are budding.
30 days: Your blood is flowing in your veins.
35 days: Your mouth, ears and nose are taking shape.
6 weeks: Your brain waves can be recorded. Your skeleton is formed. Reflex responses have begun. Your teeth buds have appeared.

7 weeks: You are kicking and moving!
8 weeks: Every organ is present. You begin to suck your thumb and your fingernails are forming. Your body is sensitive to touch-AND PAIN. You squint, swallow, frown and even smile.
10 weeks: All of your organ systems are functioning. Your precious feet are perfectly shaped. You only need time to grow now.

4 months: Your mother can feel you move!
6 months: Your hair begins to grow and you have eyelashes now. Babies born at this age have survived.
7 months: You recognize your mother's voice.
9 months: HI, MOM!!!
Clicking on the baby bottle will take you to our May 2002 article!

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