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of the
Holy Name
African Attire
Church Icons
Wedding Gowns
School Uniforms
    Sr.Eunice CHNMy name is Eunice. I’m a Sister in a Religious Community (Community of the Holy Name). I’m from Lesotho in South Africa but am presently in England working at the Bridge Centre and studying at the People’s College in Nottingham.  

Sr.Gillian CHN Sr. Gillian Paul has recently worked in the Chaplaincy Team of Whitemoor Prison, seeing new receptions, prisoners at suicide risk, and life sentence prisoners reviews. She is now doing similar work as a member of the Chaplaincy Team at HMP Nottingham which she visits every week and occasionally attends Sunday Worship. In her previous Parish she assisted in Art classes at a Special School for children with Behavioural Difficulties and was also a Leader of the Church Youth Group.

Sr.Julie CHNVisitors are welcome to spend time with us. We offer accommodation in the cottage within the Convent grounds for people who want to stay for a few days or a weekend. Anyone wishing to make an arrangement to stay may contact our Guest Sister Sr. Julie Elizabeth.

People in religious communities are called to serve God through prayer and working with and among people from all walks of life. Our main house in the United Kingdom is in Derby, a Convent on a 9-acre site with a beautiful garden, a little out of the City centre close to a large housing estate.

Sr. Linda CHN Sr. Linda Frances is a qualified masseur and offers sessions which are available on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays by appointment. She has also worked on a farm and helped disabled children to horse-ride.

Some of the Sisters support internationally-known organisations such as Amnesty International, Christian Aid, Peace and Fair Trade, and also lesser known ones such as Christians in Sport and Christian Solidarity World Wide, whilst others teach in Adult Education and English to people from overseas.

Sr.Rosemary CHNApart from our times of prayer, Offices and silence, as well as shopping, cooking and cleaning, as Mission Sisters we are engaged in many different varieties of work. Some Sisters offer Spiritual Guidance and Pastoral Care, some lead Retreats and Quiet Days, give Sermons or Talks to Womens’ Groups, Youth Clubs, Men’s Breakfasts and School Assemblies.

We have one (Sr. Rosemary) who is in the Ordained Ministry of the Anglican Church, another (Mother Jean Mary) who is a Cathedral Canon, one who paints and exhibits Icons (Sr. Theresa Margaret) and Sisters Elizabeth Clare and Barbara who assist Assylum Seekers.

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