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Melissa (Misty) Robbins


April 20th

Isis ke-Ladrier Robbins, Jedi Master, from Adumar, deceased
Darin Robbins, pilot from Corellia, deceased

--This character is Force-sensitive--

Jedi Master Atuarre Quinn, from Davros Prime, killed by Bethan Leitbur during the great Purge

Lissa Solo, smuggler and hotshot pilot
Fable Astin, Alliance commando
Jax Gareth, Jedi padawan


Alec Tals, age 14, light brown hair and hazel eyes, already almost Misty's height

Arret, a backwater world in the Abrion sector

Height: 5'11"

Weight: 162 lbs.

Athletic, slim, long legged, but not lanky

Hair Color:
Very dark brown, reddish highlights, slightly wavy, very thick and glossy, worn just above shoulder-length

Eye Color:
Dark brown flecked with amber

Miscellaneous Info:
Misty nearly always has a big smile on her face- she's one of those people you love to hate because they always seem so happy. She's got beautiful, though unmemorable, features, and her eyes are very expressive- they'll tell you exactly what she's feeling, so she often makes it a point not to look people in the eye if she doesn't want them to know something. She speaks with a soft Texas drawl that becomes more pronounced when she's upset or tired, and she often uses Southern contractions like "y'all" and "y'hear".

Misty's favorite color is a deep burgundy red, and it looks very good on her, so she wears a lot of it. She's a "figure-flattering top and tight blue jeans" type person, and a tomboy at heart.

Weapons / Jewelry:
Always wears a small crystal necklace and carries a vibroblade and a sea green lightsaber.

Scars / Birthmarks:
A small scar on left index finger from a slipped knife in childhood, large scar on her lower back from where a teammate stabbed her during a commando mission, several scars on the back of her head from a nasty skull fracture (hidden by her hair), various other small scars that she doesn't even remember getting

Age 1: Parents are killed. She's taken in by Atuarre and raised as her daughter, "Asia Quinn", on Corin.
Age 5: The Empire takes over the former Corinian Empire, with the help of the CSEF marshal, Kali Winddancer. The royal family flees to Rikin, with the chief ambassador, to await their chance to reclaim the throne
Age 12: With the establishment of the Corinian Academy, Misty is sent there to learn to fly and fight. She excels.
Age 15: She meets Queil Tals, her physics instructor, and falls in love
Age 16: She graduates the Academy at the top of her class. Queil proposes to her, and she accepts. He manages to nullify her Imperial commission, and they live on Davros. Jade and Alec are born.
Age 17: Queil's father dies, and he inherits the throne, as well as discovering his Force talents, and rules with Misty at his side. He carries on affair after affair, but she's too meek to ever challenge him on it.
Age 18: The dying Atuarre appears to Misty and tells her of her true history, and her name, and her parents. This gives her the strength to leave Queil, and take her children along when she joins the Alliance.
Age 22: Misty receives command of Blue Squadron, an X-wing unit.
Age 23: Thara d'Utan, a clone of a former New Republic general, and now an extremely powerful Dark Jedi, challenges Misty to a duel, light vs. darkness. Misty wins, but at the near expense of her own life. Thara is presumed dead.
Age 26: Misty fights at Yavin against the Death Star, and saves nearly her entire squadron by being able to tell that they're going to be within its blast radius, even though their instruments say they're safe.
Age 27: Misty flies with the Rogues at Hoth, and against the second Death Star at Endor. She is responsible for two Star Destroyer kills and over 100 starfighters. She flies with Rogue Squadron for a year, falling in love with Wedge Antilles. It ends badly, though, and she requests a transfer to a desk job.
Age 28: She is assigned to the NR Academy pilot training as an instructor, and is later promoted to general and given command of a training fleet. When a surprise Imperial attack startles them, Misty proves what a genius she can be with fleet-wide tactics, and the Imperials are totally destroyed by cadet crews and the few instructors in command. After this, Misty goes into semi-retirement on Corellia with her lover and her children, as well as Alta Darklighter's son, who she was raising.
Age 30: She and her lover break up, leaving her single. She returns to duty but disobeys orders to assist with the Corinian Rebellion, and as a consequence, is demoted to captain and assigned as High Command liason to the Aurora Force. She becomes totally disgusted with bureaucracy, and resigns her commission entirely, then discovers that she is Jedi Knight Nomi Sunrider reincarnated, and she falls in love with Ulic Qel-Droma again, after 3000 years of separation (he has also been reborn). Shortly afterwards, their daughter is born, and named Crystal. When an old lover returns, gone insane, Misty is forced to battle him, and accepts an infusion of Dark Side energy from Tag Rendar-Losoda. After the battle, the part of her that is Nomi Sunrider sacrifices itself to destroy the darkness, and she and Ulic break up. He takes their daughter, and disappears, and Misty is left alone. Again.

Loves machines and animals, and seems to share a special rapport with both, loves to draw and sketch (though she's not very good), she often sings or hums to herself just for the fun of it. She enjoys anything physical, but she's a thinker, too. She likes chess and zero-gee sports especially, but she'll take any opportunity to show someone else up, then congratulate them on being such a good sport.

Wasting time, people who annoy her, she can't STAND spiders, people who flirt non-stop, Sith and other dark side users, even the threat of violence.

She is very alert, missing little and remembering everything. She has a strong empathy for the sick and injured. She is patient, friendly, and generally fairly easy-going. She's in very good shape. She's tenacious and very, very curious about everything around her, and once she's got a problem, she won't let go until it's solved. Her Force powers lean mostly toward the alter side, especially alter mind, but she's pretty well rounded with her talents, and when she can avoid passing out, she's quite a healer.

She has a tendency to talk too much, or babble, something she is trying hard to curb. When she gets one of her killer headaches, her tolerance level goes through the floor, and she's likely to bite your head off for asking a simple question, then stalk off to be alone. She has an unusual circulatory disorder that interferes with blood flow to her brain, so she tends to faint a lot, and gets a lot of headaches and dizzy spells. The doctors are unable to treat this, so she is simply given strong injunctions to "take good care of herself", which she ignores. She often doesn't listen to advice, and she's very headstrong and stubborn. She suffers from a lot of pride, so when she doesn't feel good, she won't tell anyone, and if they ask, she'll insist that she's fine. She has a minor jealous streak, as well.

She is active and friendly, preferring always to be among others to being alone. She is fiercely independent, and very intelligent. She doesn't give respect easily, but once it's earned, she is loyal forever. She has a dry sense of humor, often bordering on the sarcastic. She is very forgiving, but past a certain point, she will explode at the source of her anger. She is daring and competitive, as well as very courageous. She never panics in time of emergency, but instead always keeps a level head and waits until after the crisis is past to lose control.