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Hello there... :] This is the way your pages will appear. Cool, ain't it? ;)

You can type as much text as you want, so don't worry if you are a bit too wordy. ^_~ Make sure to add your own links in the navigation section, and keep the link to Indigo Twilight up as well as the link to Picstyle.De. ^_^

You can also add links to the left and the right of this text area. If you would like to do that, but don't know how to do it, then email me (address can be found at the end of this layout presentation).
Link #2
Link #3
Link #4
Link #5
Link #6

As you can see, this section creates a scrollbar if there are many links. :]

Here you can write about yourself, or about your site. Here's an example:

Raziela. 18. Webdesign. Indigo Twilight. Anime and manga obsessed. Loves vampires.

This section creates a scrollbar as well, just like the one to the left.
Picstyle.De Indigo Twilight Designs - Come get a layout!